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Windows Sucks

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--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---What annoys me more than MS's monopoly on the OS market, is their monopoly on the Office market (?). I fail to understand why any sane person would prefer MS Office to
WTF is with all the fcking schools/universities/EVERYTHING ELSE using MS Office? I just don't get it.
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That's easy. MS Office is better than Open Office. My wife being an English major takes the Office spell checker, and grammar checker for granted. I tried to get her to use Open Office, and she had a fit. The spell checker in Open Office is simply sub-par compared to Microosft's and there is no grammar checker at all in OO!

Now, I'm not saying OO isn't a great product - it is - but it's different enough to make long time users of MS Office not like it. The interface of OO is not exactly like MS Office, and for non-technical users (like my wife) this can be terrifying.

I can't but agree with you, Toadlife, but still, I prefer OOo, if it is solely for ideological reasons.


--- Quote from: toadlife ---That's easy. MS Office is better than Open Office. My wife being an English major takes the Office spell checker, and grammar checker for granted. I tried to get her to use Open Office, and she had a fit. The spell checker in Open Office is simply sub-par compared to Microosft's and there is no grammar checker at all in OO!

Now, I'm not saying OO isn't a great product - it is - but it's different enough to make long time users of MS Office not like it. The interface of OO is not exactly like MS Office, and for non-technical users (like my wife) this can be terrifying.
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I'd rather no grammar checker, than the MS Office one.
That thing is so crap it is unbelievable.

Of course, Microsoft are an American company so perhaps I should cut 'em some slack on crimers against grammar :)


--- Quote from: toadlife ---That's easy. MS Office is better than Open Office. My wife being an English major takes the Office spell checker, and grammar checker for granted. I tried to get her to use Open Office, and she had a fit. The spell checker in Open Office is simply sub-par compared to Microosft's and there is no grammar checker at all in OO!

Now, I'm not saying OO isn't a great product - it is - but it's different enough to make long time users of MS Office not like it. The interface of OO is not exactly like MS Office, and for non-technical users (like my wife) this can be terrifying.
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Yea but "teaching" MS Office in school is...


--- Quote from: KernelPanic ---I'd rather no grammar checker, than the MS Office one.
That thing is so crap it is unbelievable.

Of course, Microsoft are American so perhaps I should cut 'em some slack on crimers against grammar :)
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It is quite ironic that you say that, considering the horrendous grammar of your post. ;)


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