All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Windows Sucks
--- Quote from: Jenda ---I must say I'd recommend Ubuntu over Mandrake anytime, but that's prolly just apersonal preference - the two are both *perfect* for noobs and ex-windozers.
I just converted a friend two days ago. Installed a dual boot w2k/Ubuntu (not necessarily in this order), and he's already thinking of reformatting the dreaded C: drive...
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Good job!
I started off on Mandrake and that's really the main reason I been recommending it to so many people.
I used Ubuntu a good bit and I have one sub-successful convert using Ubuntu. It probably might be better for Windows users.
I'll probably recommend Ubuntu from now on. Maybe.
--- Quote from: toadlife ---It is quite ironic that you say that, considering the horrendous grammar of your post. ;)
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I'll try harder next time.
--- Quote from: toadlife ---That's easy. MS Office is better than Open Office. My wife being an English major takes the Office spell checker, and grammar checker for granted. I tried to get her to use Open Office, and she had a fit. The spell checker in Open Office is simply sub-par compared to Microosft's and there is no grammar checker at all in OO!
Now, I'm not saying OO isn't a great product - it is - but it's different enough to make long time users of MS Office not like it. The interface of OO is not exactly like MS Office, and for non-technical users (like my wife) this can be terrifying.
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I agree, I like OpenOffice and I prefer it for for vector graphics becuase it's drawing tools are a lot beter than MS office's and the fact that it can save in more formats is also an added bonus. OpenOffice is also less efficent at managing the system resources because to do word processing you have to have the whole office suite loaded.
I do miss the grammar and the MS office spell checker was better along with the charting package and formula editor which the did buy of another company.
The main reason why I use OpenOffice is because my PC came with the big fat and shitty software called MS works who's name in it's self is a joke. MS never Works has to be possibly the the worst piece of MS software I've ever seen, it's featureless and virtually incompatable with MS office, the only advantage it has is it's lighter and uses less resources but that's because it's full of hot air. :D
It's time for me to play devil
At least MS would be good-as-dead, and Microsuck's ultimate goal would be realised.
The tyranny that is MS would be powerless.
Power to the community!
Erm. Anyhow.
Use GNU/Hurd!
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