All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Windows Sucks

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--- Quote from: toadlife ---
And you don't think that would change if everyone switched to linux?
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Linux is shipped with all the software you require to run a secure system while Windows requires anti-virus and other 3rd party tools to unfuck it when something bad happens.

Don't you have to have permission to run anything that would do any damage in Linux?

But, to be fair. I use Windows at work. Its been solid in the 7 months I have been here. No problems at all. None. I think it's because I am not an idiot...
I haven't had an virus problems, or spyware problems, or bsods, or random system freezes, and Bill Gates hasn't taken over my soul yet. I used to have tons of problems with Windows, but I found out it was all hardware related.

--- Quote from: rooooooodog ---you people are so stupid all you do is sit around a complain about microsoft are there any other operating systems more used why because it is the best easiest for most people and you are just to lazy to go work and make a better one and create a monopoly yourself until you do that you cant complain you are just jeoulous you couldnt think to create a monopoly and make billions of dollars yourself
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This is my favorite post in the history of the world.

--- Quote from: kintaro ---well im sick of you your not my friend anymore because you stole my bmx and kissed my girlfriend in the trees while i was waiting for the bus which was late and i came home and mother gave me a spanking which is all your fault because you couldnt think to steal a car and pick me up so then we could get to school on time and learn how to write a proper sentance
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So is this :)


--- Quote from: xyle_one ---Don't you have to have permission to run anything that would do any damage in Linux?
--- End quote ---
To the system, yes. But you can damnage the user a/c, send spam and some other stuff. Let it be known: THIS IS NOT AS BAD AS THE SITUATION ON WINDOWS!


--- Quote from: xyle_one ---Don't you have to have permission to run anything that would do any damage in Linux?

But, to be fair. I use Windows at work. Its been solid in the 7 months I have been here. No problems at all. None. I think it's because I am not an idiot...
I haven't had an virus problems, or spyware problems, or bsods, or random system freezes, and Bill Gates hasn't taken over my soul yet. I used to have tons of problems with Windows, but I found out it was all hardware related.

--- End quote ---

I agree, Windows has only crashed on me once in over year. Pre Windows 2000 was a different story the shitty old DOS kernel made it highly unstable.

--- Quote from: xyle_one ---This is my favorite post in the history of the world.

So is this :)
--- End quote ---

I agree. :D

Then it again falls on the user not being a complete and total fucktard. Maybe it's a good thing they all use windows?


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