All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Windows Sucks
The drivers aren't the fault of the operating system. Often GNU/Linux can have poor quality drivers, in fact it's not uncommon for graphics cards to work but without the acceleration, printer/scanners to print but not scan and modems not working.
Any operating system can be fucked up by bad drivers. For example my printer scanner came with both Windows and Mac drivers and as they're both written by the same company the Mac driver is as good or bad as the Windows dirver. In this cas the Linux driver was by far the worst as it would print but not scan.
Noramally Windows/Mac drivers are written by the hardware vendor but Linux drivers are hacked togeather by geeks. Companies often don't wan't to give up their trade secretes so they don't release details of the protocol used to communicate with the device. The Linux dirvers are often a product of reverse engineering while the Windows and Mac divers are normally written with full knowledge of the hardware. I admit there are as always exeptions to the rule but this is the norm.
--- Quote from: xyle_one ---Ha, no I am not going to remove that. My windows machine is solid right now. Do a search for my old posts, from like 2-3 years ago, and yeah, i would bitch about it all the time. But it's hardware most of the time. This machine I am using now is solid.
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Well... After a bit of thought one would find that user knowledge doesn't make the OS any more stable/secure. Maybe the system.
--- Quote from: xyle_one --- Also, when I get a new linux install, first thing I do is tweak the hell out of it to make it work the way I want to. I spend a long time doing that, and learning to make it work, leraning the system. Why shouldn't you do the same with Windows? Even in OSX I will spend time making it work. Sure, it works out of the box, but at some point you have to tweak it a bit.
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WTF is that about? I've used Windows for years and I am not going back to that pi-ece o' shite no-matter what.
And I can't make Windows work the way I want to. I can't make it stable. I can't make it secure. I've tried everything under the Sun. It doesn't work. The only solution: ditch that pi-ece o' shite!
--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---Read his post again, there's so many assumptions in it. And they are kindof realistic. But anything could happen.
That's why I listed the non-technical consequences of the fall of MS.
And I forgot one BTW:
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I agree but most people don't really care about whether software is free or not all they care is it does what they want.
--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---The drivers aren't the fault of the operating system. Often GNU/Linux can have poor quality drivers, in fact it's not uncommon for graphics cards to work but without the acceleration, printer/scanners to print but not scan and modems not working.
Any operating system can be fucked up by bad drivers. For example my printer scanner came with both Windows and Mac drivers and as they're both written by the same company the Mac driver is as good or bad as the Windows dirver. In this cas the Linux driver was by far the worst as it would print but not scan.
Noramally Windows/Mac drivers are written by the hardware vendor but Linux drivers are hacked togeather by geeks. Companies often don't wan't to give up their trade secretes so they don't release details of the protocol used to communicate with the device. The Linux dirvers are often a product of reverse engineering while the Windows and Mac divers are normally written with full knowledge of the hardware. I admit there are as always exeptions to the rule but this is the norm.
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You'd think that Windows would have stable drivers LMAO! It's so damn funny. The most popular, and supposadly stable OS out there and the MANUFACTURERS are FUCKING IT UP with SHIT DRIVERS!
GNU/Linux may be excused, for it recieves too damn little manufacturer support (good thing?), and the manufacturers don't give two fucks about the drivers they do make for it (good thing?).
--- Quote from: xyle_one ---Are we not free to use Windows if we choose? Freedom is having the ability to choose what we want to run. If that choice is windows, then so be it. Don't start talking shit about not being free. Right now at work, if I so choose to, I can install Fedora and use that. Is that not free?
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What I said was that the fall of MS would ultamitely lead to greater freedom. As would the fall of any monopoly, I'd expect.
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