All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Windows Sucks

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--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---Well... After a bit of thought one would find that user knowledge doesn't make the OS any more stable/secure. Maybe the system.
WTF is that about? I've used Windows for years and I am not going back to that pi-ece o' shite no-matter what.

And I can't make Windows work the way I want to. I can't make it stable. I can't make it secure. I've tried everything under the Sun. It doesn't work. The only solution: ditch that pi-ece o' shite!
--- End quote ---

No one said go back to windows. But, for those of us that do use it, should we just not be expected to learn it, like we would learn how to use Linux, or OSX? Why should we expect windows to work perfect, when that is not expected of the other operating systems? I apologize for defending windows, but honestly, it's being attacked unfairly in my opinion.

Also. Have you been hacked? Has your system been compromised? Mine never has. For the years I used Windows, noone hacked me. The worst that has happened was a nasty virus because I used to use Kazaa back in the day.

--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---What I said was that the fall of MS would ultamitely lead to greater freedom. As would the fall of any monopoly, I'd expect.
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Okay. You are free to use linux and nothing else. Now that MS is out of the way, everything can be Linux. And only Linux.


--- Quote from: xyle_one ---No one said go back to windows.
--- End quote ---
I misread it, sorry.

--- Quote from: xyle_one ---Why shouldn't you do the same with Windows?
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I know lots about Windows (how many times is it I've said that now?). Most other Windows users don't. Ideally, they would all learn a bit about Windows, so they can learn to hate it :D (only messin').

Seriously though, there are "user-friendly" GNU/Linux distros out there (Ubuntu, Mandriva, etc.), and newbs use them. Newbs that don't know what the 'cd' command does. Newbs that don't know what X11 is. Newbs that don't know what a kernel is. Newbs that don't know what vim/emacs is. You get the picture...

There isn't much to learn in Windows, AFAIK.


--- Quote from: xyle_one ---Also. Have you been hacked? Has your system been compromised? Mine never has. For the years I used Windows, noone hacked me. The worst that has happened was a nasty virus because I used to use Kazaa back in the day.
--- End quote ---
Not to my knowledge have I been hacked. But I'm only on dial-up, and I have iptables setup as strict as possible.
I'll never forget the "Remote Procedure Calls" (RPC) I used to get on XP, and they'd popup a warning with a timer to shutdown. Was that the result of being hacked ('cause I dunno if it was :/ )?

Oh, I do. Not all noobs are created equal though.

User friendly is a difficult area. What is friendly to some, is ass-backwards to others. Just listen to a mac vs windows argument sometime.

And for the record, I am a hardcore osx and linux fan. At home, I run osx on 2 macs, and debian sarge on a dual athlon (which is suffering from a bad mother board right now). Windows doesn't exist once I leave the office.


--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---You'd think that Windows would have stable drivers LMAO!
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In general most Windows drivers are stable.

--- Quote from: piratePenguin --- It's so damn funny. The most popular, and supposadly stable OS out there
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No one said Windows is the most stable OS.

--- Quote from: piratePenguin --- and the MANUFACTURERS are FUCKING IT UP with SHIT DRIVERS!

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So both Windows and Mac drivers are shit then.

--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---GNU/Linux may be excused, for it recieves too damn little manufacturer support (good thing?), and the manufacturers don't give two fucks about the drivers they do make for it (good thing?).
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Of course they do, if one company's drivers are shit but the hardware is a lot better value than another vendors but their drivers are better, people will pick the one with the moast reliable drivers.

So by your logic you can write better drivers by reverse engineering. :rolleyes:


--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---So by your logic you can write better drivers by reverse engineering. :rolleyes:
--- End quote ---
That's what it looks like. That the geeks can write better drivers by reverse engineering.

I suppose it's probably worth noting that I've only ever once bothered to try to get my pi-ece o' shite Lexmark something printer working in GNU/Linux. And that was on Slackware a long time ago. I _eventually_ got it working, just about, but it was no easy job. And then, I could print. It didn't crash the system or anything like that, just worked.
My USB 8-in-1 memory card reader works like a dream on all distros. Just stick in the card and check /dev/sd[whatever]
I don't have a scanner to try and get working.

--- Quote ---Okay. You are free to use linux and nothing else. Now that MS is out of the way, everything can be Linux. And only Linux.
--- End quote ---
LMAO, how wrong could you be. In the 10 months since ditching Windows, I've used (as in installed and learned a bit about; For most other OSes I can't get on ISDN, because the OS either doesn't have sufficient support or because I couldn't get it working when I tried) multiple GNU/Linux distros, FreeBSD (5.3-Release), Debian GNU/Hurd (!), Mac OS X (brothers powerbook... I use it alot, and teach him about it :cool: ), BeOS Max (good enuff), and I'm not sure that ReactOS counts.
Have I forgotten anything?
"linux and nothing else" I laugh so hard.


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