All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Windows Sucks
--- Quote from: xyle_one ---Keep laughing. Just about every Linux user I have met spouts the same shit. They are just as bad, if not worse, than Windows apologists and mac addicts.
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I laugh so hard.
You see it's funny, because I have my own reasons for disliking GNU/Linux (the linux part of it, really). If I didn't have this fucking Junior Cert. in 2 weeks you could bet your ass I'd be posting this from GNU/Hurd, or at least FreeBSD.
If I were at home, I would be posting from osx... 10.4 even. whoa.
I sorta laughed at it.
Not that hard though. I really don't care what you prefer to use.
--- Quote from: xyle_one ---If I were at home, I would be posting from osx... 10.4 even. whoa.
--- End quote ---
You are so cool. I wish I could be more like you.
--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---Whatever way they're put together,
the result _is_ better.
In my experience (I didn't wanna destroy the rhyme with brackets).
What about your experience, Aloone?
--- End quote ---
My Leximark printer/scanner would print though it wouln't scan and it was slower under Linux than Windows.
My graphics card was very slow in Redhat Linux (2.4.x kernel) so I installed a different driver but it still was slow. In Vector Linux and knoppix (2.6 kernel) it was a lot faster for general purpose desktop graphics but the 3D graphics on games are still very slow.
The winmodem would work under the 2.4.x kernel but it wouldn't work in 2.6.x becuase the driver wouldn't compile and the documentation said it was designed for 2.6 only.
Windows on the other hand isn't too bad, my Cannon LBP-660 printer works on Windows XP even though the driver was designed for NT4. I believe there's now a Linux driver for this too though I haven't tested it. This shows how in one area I've found Windows to be more backwards compatable than Linux.
I've had a few problems with the graphics card with Windows too, often it crashed when going into the screen saver, but this was fixed by adjusting the monitor power saving configuration.
My personal experiance backs up my theory, however now let me talk about the exeptions to the rule, drivers by manufactures who release information about their hardware or even better release free drivers are likely to be better.
--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---You are so cool. I wish I could be more like you.
--- End quote ---
First thing would be to stop adding fake tags to your post. It's not like the sarcasm was that hard to detect.
If you can't keep windows XP stable, you are doing something wrong. I leave the machine on all the time. I rarely turn it off for the weekend. It has yet to give me any problems. If it is so bad, shouldn't I have blue screened by now? Shouldn't it have locked up a few dozen times already today?
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