All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Windows Sucks
--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---None of that fucking bullshite.
Anyhow, Windows is going well for you. I've a feeling I'll not be fit to convert you to the rightous side but what the hell.
How about this: You don't give a shit about money. Do you give a shit about where your money goes to? It goes to Microsoft, one big fat ugly monopoly. We all know monopolies are bad, evil fuckers. ESPECIALLY Microsoft.
And it's YOU who's funding them! YOU EVIL-... Let's not go there.
No wonder the evil bastards have been alive for so long, and their still standing strong because of YOU!
Either accept responsability for the evil MS, or stop funding the evil bastards.
That's as low as I can go :thumbup:
* sits and waits...
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hehe. Tell me what Microsoft has done that is worse than WalMart, or Nestle? If anything, google is the worst. We are foolishly and blindly being "sold" as a product for thousands of evil greedy businesses. We are googles product. Isn't that of much more concern?
--- Quote from: KernelPanic ---Off-topic
Is the
--- Quote from: xyle_one ---hehe. Tell me what Microsoft has done that is worse than WalMart, or Nestle? If anything, google is the worst. We are foolishly and blindly being "sold" as a product for thousands of evil greedy businesses. We are googles product. Isn't that of much more concern?
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No. If I had to pay for the search engine, or for Gmail etc. I'd be worried. "evil greedy businesses" PAY Google for a spot on my screen. I promptly ignore that spot. The "evil greedy businesses" only lose, and I get a kick ass search engine, some kick ass email etc.
I dunno anything about Walmart, is it like the South Park episode?
Nestle are evil bastards too. I don't buy much from them. They're not the richest company in the world. They don't have an increadible amount of control.
I'll not lose much sleep over them.
--- Quote from: xyle_one ---Very good point though. Does putting the machine in sleep and turning the monitor not help at least?
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Not enuff.
First you fund Microsoft. Now you're gonna destroy the world.
(Don't worry, I'll not use this time)
Wow, Penguin pretty much said what I was thinking.
--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---(Don't worry, I'll not use this time)
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...liar... :D
--- Quote from: Orethrius ---Wow, Penguin pretty much said what I was thinking.
...liar... :D
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--- Quote from: toadlife ---I noticed you guys are thinking of how wonderful it would be for everyone to switch from Windows to linux, but I fail to see the great benefit - at least from a security perspective.
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Are you sure? Because I think you do:
--- Quote from: toadlife ---Root permissions you say? Who the heck needs root permissions to set up shop inside a user
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Hey guys... I'm just pushing buttons.
But, to answer your reply. The learning curve for a user that hasn't used either system would be equal, if not leaning towards Fedora or another simple distro. For a windows user going to Linux, its more difficult. It was for me, but I learned. I do not use Windows at home. I am very much anti-windows, and I have my reasons. I just don't see anyone giving a good excuse for such hatred of a company. I am "free" to install what software is available on any system I use. I am "free" to run any os i deem necessary to accomplish whatever task is at hand. I am not bound to only use Windows because Mr. Gates tells me to. Now, I am not free to modify or see the source of MS software. But that doesn't concern me. I am not a developer, I dont snoop through code, or wish to make those kinds of changes. If the software doesnt work the way I want, I find something else. Most of the time, MS software fails me. Windows failed me. So I don't use it. I have it at work, because I don't care enough to migrate my mail, my settings, my work environment to another system. I am leaving this place in one week anyways.
As for giving employees linux. I am not having them create print and web materials with GIMP. It has never been up to the task. Not that I actually prefer them to use Windows, but it is the best tool at my disposal currently. We are not a mac shop. I will never convince management to invest in Apple machines. Linux will not cut it. Maybe for the techs, and maybe for sales and billing, but not my department. In that sense, we are not "free". We are tied to windows. I just don't see it as being that big of a deal. Not anymore.
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