All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Windows Sucks
--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---I wouldn't have thought that because:
Windows is very n00b-friendly. And it's good at being n00b-friendly of all things.
It's much more n00b-friendly than almost all GNU/Linux distros, except the ones targeted at n00bs themselves (and I'd say it'd still be a tough one).
Kudos to MS. For their software is friendly to (the millions of) n00bs.
If the first computer I got had Slackware on it rather than Windows 95, I probably wouldn't have ever bothered with the computer at all. Although if it was Ubuntu (which didn't exist at the time but what the hell), I probably would've used it. And as soon as I knew how to use it, I probably would have learned all about the command-line and then more advanced stuff. And I probably would be on Slackware in no-time.
The leaning-curves are beautiful on GNU/Linux, especially for the curious ones, and also for the not-so-curious ones.
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I thought that Fedora was quite noob friendly. As was Mandrake. I even did a write up on mandrake at promote-opensource a long time ago in relation to ease of use for the average user.
--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---
I'd say it wouldn't be too hard for a Slackware user (who has never used Windows before) to migrate to Windows.
Even though they're used to doing things "the hard way", they'd figure the easy way out just as easy as the n00bs would.
Obviously they wouldn't feel at home. For Windows was not developed with them-kinda-people inmind (and yes, I mean it).
My person experience with Windows was not pretty.
I do not like MS's software. I do not like MS's evil business practices. I do not like MS's incredible control. I do not like the fucking insane amount of support MS gets (from OEMs, manufacturers, etc.) when there are much better alternatives out there. And I definetly do not like MS's FUD (especially when people buy it).
They are evil bastards who do NOT deserve my support.
And buying their products IS supporting them, just like using their products is.
On the other hand, I fucking love the GNU philosophy.
It is right. It is good. It is honourable. It makes sense.
It is a step forward for mankind.
IT deserves my support, and it deserves more support than the world could possibly supply (and it isn't supplyin', BTW).
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I will have to agree with you there. They are an evil business. So is walmart, best-buy, nestle, any large corporation really. They are all doing what they can to dominate their markets and maybe branch into other ones. They want the biggest slice of the pie.
--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---
If that's what you call freedom, seems a little shallow to me. You are damn right to but "free" in quotation marks though.
That's interesting - explain please.
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I do not know a single designer who knows the software. Image compression out of GIMP is poor. Layer groups, non-destructive editing tools, native CMYK support, on and on. Unless all this has been added in recent versions. And then, the interface is non-intuituve and clumsy. I do not mind paying the price for Adobes software. And I will happily pay the upgrade fees.
--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---
How in the hell isn't it a big deal?
Do you have computers on-show kinda thing? Because if you do, you could put Ubuntu or something decent on it, and tell the customers a little about GNU/Linux. Then give them the CHOICE between Windows and Ubuntu. The choice that so many of them never got...
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It isn't a big deal because we can get our work done just fine using windows. We don't have computers on show. We have designers getting ads and brochures to print, web designers and developers working on layouts and applications, and there is no reason to use Linux. None at all.
--- Quote from: xyle_one ---Image compression out of GIMP is poor. Layer groups, non-destructive editing tools, native CMYK support, on and on. Unless all this has been added in recent versions. And then, the interface is non-intuituve and clumsy.
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Oh.. I'll have to look into some of that. I heard about it's CMYK issues, they were fixed apparantly (but I dunno, it could still have problems).
At first I couldn't get around The GIMP's interface. But now I can, and I like it.
There used to be a script here that "hacked the GIMP's UI so it looked like photoshops" (stole it from a different forum). Although, IIRC, it still had the multiple windows, which I don't find that annoying, anymore.
--- Quote from: xyle_one ---there is no reason to use Linux. None at all.
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Oh I see. Well.. That's a shame :o
I'll use it for Apache, MySQL, and PHP, but my mac handles that just fine.
--- Quote from: Jenda ---you are Free to give your favorite GNU/Linux distro to your friends
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Yes, very important, the freedom to help your neighbor.
If anybody hated MS enough, they would NOT give their money to MS. Even if they "like" Windows or the Xbox (360, even) or whatever, or if it's not their choice, or if they think that there's no need to go switching to the perhaps better (or worse) alternatives.
Doing so is funding MS, and good-as supporting their evil business practices and such. For to carry out them evil business practices, to pay for their marketing et cetera, they need money.
--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---Yes, very important, the freedom to help your neighbor.
If anybody hated MS enough, they would NOT give their money to MS. Even if they "like" Windows or the Xbox (360, even) or whatever, or if it's not their choice, or if they think that there's no need to go switching to the perhaps better (or worse) alternatives.
Doing so is funding MS, and good-as supporting their evil business practices and such. For to carry out them evil business practices, to pay for their marketing et cetera, they need money.
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So is using a warez copy of w98 evil? Apart from being stupid, that is...
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