All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Windows Sucks
--- Quote from: KernelPanic ---I completely disagree with that.
If you are dreaming of an OSS utopia, which RMS seems to be, then you will expect users and other developers/corportations to honour the GPL - your licence of choice.
But at the same time he says it's fine to disregard the terms of use and licences regarding proprietary software?
Talk about being a balls-out hypocrite...
--- End quote ---
Lol. Well that's the thing. Free software developers, like the FSF et al, they give a shit about the users freedom (among other things...). MS did NOT write their licences with the user in mind.
--- Quote ---Note: I havn't listened to the article, so if i'm slating RMS it is on merit of what piratePenguin posted.
--- End quote ---
No problemo. I don;t think what I said was misleading (compared to what the man himself said) in any way.
So, piracy is a good thing?
piratePenguin and I didn't mean that.
I meant while using MS warez you're helping Microsoft but not as much as would woud be if you paid, and using freesoftware is much better than MS payware or warez.
let's put it a different way then (I'm assuming that you know (because it is a fact) that MS are evil bastards):
pirate MS software > paying < alternatives
Whoever believes that buying MS software, and therefore giving the evil bastards money, is better than either pirate MS software (not giving the evil bastards money) or switching to alternatives, stand up and speak (and don't just laugh).
I agree, but why don't you just make it "Alternative > Pirated MS > Paying for MS".
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