All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Windows Sucks

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That's much better.


--- Quote from: BobTheHob ---I agree, but why don't you just make it "Alternative > Pirated MS > Paying for MS".
--- End quote ---
I was going to do that but decided not to change it much (in fact that's not really changing it, it's just reordering it) out of respect for Aloone :D
So we can use that now.

If pirate software wasn't possible, MS would be even richer than they already are.
Sure, some people might switch to the alternatives rather than pirate, but not a huge amount, and MS would be richer.


--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---I was going to do that but decided not to change it out of respect for Aloone :D

--- End quote ---

I'm glad I have some respect and I respect you too. :D

--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---So we can use that now.
--- End quote ---

I agree BobTheHob's idea is better.

--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---If pirate software wasn't possible, MS would be even richer than they already are.
Sure, some people might switch to the alternatives rather than pirate, but not a huge amount, and MS would be richer.
--- End quote ---

Well you could argue that if people haden't have distributed MS pirate software in the first they wouldn't have established such a strong monopoly position. We all know this is bull because if it wasn't Microsoft it would've been IMB with OS/2 I doubt it would've been free software as there were no alternatives in a strong enough position. Oh I forgot Mac OS but that's not the PC and I doubt any other hardware would've dominated.

I totally agree. Because of all Microsoft's "monopoly" together with all the Windows software there are hords of people who can't or don't want to pay for software ex Windows and then pirates it. Because of this most people are used to their software and the exlusive software that runs on it. That's a very big achievement for Microsoft as most people would rather buy Windows than a GNU/LINUX distro.

I agree except I wouldn't call it a big achievement since all Microsoft's done is strike up OEM deals with the hardware vendors and most people don't even know about GNU/Linux hence Windows is the only operating system for the x86 platform.


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