All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Windows Sucks

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piratePenguin: then it might please you, that I do have a warez w98 on my computer, altho it's largely unused, and that prolly because I haven't seen my computer in almost a year. There is also a copy of mdk 9.2,, and both of the OSes will be soon removed in favor of Ubuntu.

--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---(in fact that's not really changing it, it's just reordering it)
--- End quote ---

I disagree - the > < version lacks the information that warez < FSW... but the < < version states my opinion exactly. I do NOT consider myself a Microsoft supporter though, because I am NOT dependent on Windows and therefore do NOT contribute to the immense devotee base MS has clustered over the past decade.


--- Quote from: Jenda ---piratePenguin: then it might please you, that I do have a warez w98 on my computer, altho it's largely unused, and that prolly because I haven't seen my computer in almost a year. There is also a copy of mdk 9.2,, and both of the OSes will be soon removed in favor of Ubuntu.
--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Jenda ---I disagree - the > < version lacks the information that warez < FSW... but the < < version states my opinion exactly.
--- End quote ---
Did you get that mixed up (there are a few versions floating about)?
I didn't look into that much detail before (fair play to you though), but in anycase:
For MS haters: legitimate MS software < illegitimate MS software < alternative to MS software.
For free software advocates: legitimate non-free software < illegitimate non-free software < free software alternative.
Do either of them suffice Jenda?

--- Quote from: Jenda ---I do NOT consider myself a Microsoft supporter though, because I am NOT dependent on Windows and therefore do NOT contribute to the immense devotee base MS has clustered over the past decade.
--- End quote ---
I feel like saying something that involves the word "taint" and your system (computer system that is :p), but it's not really necesary.
Instead, a complement: you're headed in the right direction ;)

RMS, of all people, has (recently) said that if he really needed to on a once-off basis (like at an internet cafe), he would use non-free software to do whatever he needs to do.


--- Quote ---Did you get that mixed up (there are a few versions floating about)?
--- End quote ---
I was talking about the
--- Quote ---warez > paying < free software

--- End quote ---
version and the
--- Quote ---Alternative > Pirated MS > Paying for MS
--- End quote ---
version. Now your last two versions are indeed very good, but for my personal case, being both MS-hater and a FLOSS advocate, a very complex inequasion is necessary:
Tartaros < MS ($) < warez MS < other ($) < other warez < FLOSS < Nirvana

As for my PC being tainted - there really aint much I can do. I am in Canada. My PC in Prague. As soon as I get back there, ta ta Windoes! I was less educated in the matter before, so I kept Windows for the moment... I might still keep a very simple copy on, say five gigs, until I need the space. I am not a big fan of games, but form time to time, I like to try them. And thanks for the dictionary link... I do have Firefox, and I do have the necessary extensions, so it won't be needed next time...


--- Quote from: Jenda ---for my personal case, being both MS-hater and a FLOSS advocate, a very complex inequasion is necessary:
Tartaros < MS ($) < warez MS < other ($) < other warez < FLOSS < Nirvana
--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Jenda ---As for my PC being tainted - there really aint much I can do. I am in Canada. My PC in Prague. As soon as I get back there, ta ta Windoes! I was less educated in the matter before, so I kept Windows for the moment... I might still keep a very simple copy on, say five gigs, until I need the space. I am not a big fan of games, but form time to time, I like to try them.
--- End quote ---
That computer still has MS Windows 98 on it. That makes it tainted IMHO, just like every other system with MS Windows on it. But there's not much you can do about it, and I understand that. MS isn't benefiting much (if at all) in this rather rare case.
And like I said: you're headed in the right direction.

--- Quote from: Jenda ---And thanks for the dictionary link... I do have Firefox, and I do have the necessary extensions, so it won't be needed next time...
--- End quote ---
I like using those dictionary links. I use them in my posts when confusion is in any way possible, and also when I've checked the meaning of the word to make sure it fits the occasion suitably.
If nothing else, regard them as an "I've done at least a small bit of extra work" guarantee.


--- Quote from: Jenda ---I disagree - the > < version lacks the information that warez < FSW
--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---warez > paying < free software
--- End quote ---
If "warez > paying" and "paying < free software" then warez < free software.


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