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Windows Sucks
I would discourage non-MS pirate software, I don't have a problem with paying for software in general, just MS software.
--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---I would discourage non-MS pirate software, I don't have a problem with paying for software in general, just MS software.
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I have no problems with paying for free software, so long as it's not a rip-off.
I don't like the crazy restrictions that are placed on some (read: most to all) non-free software. Their licences are designed to restrict the user.
The GPL is about guaranteeing freedom, and I think the "guarantee" part is important. Although not necesary. I like the BSD licence, for example, but it doesn't guarantee the same freedom that the GPL does. Therefore, I prefer the GPL. But I still like the BSD licence. RMS wants to build (well he has. but he has greater goals now :D) a community in which non-free software does not exist. If the developers used, for example, the BSD licence, anyone could copy the software, make it non-free, add in some nice features, and the community's future could be at risk if the software is good enough.
A rather extreme example, cedega:
If any of you wanted cedega, I'd prefer you to get an illegit copy of it, rather than buying it from Transgaming that is.
Contrary to popular belief, cedega is not free software. It uses code from wine, sure, but that code is from before wine was GPL.
And I would pay for free software, if the software seems worth it. I wouldn't pirate it. I don't think. Unless I needed it and could not afford it.
--- Quote ---A rather extreme example, cedega:
If any of you wanted cedega, I'd prefer you to get an illegit copy of it, rather than buying it from Transgaming that is.
Contrary to popular belief, cedega is not free software. It uses code from wine, sure, but that code is from before wine was GPL.
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I was just wondering about that... thanks for clearing it up. Added to don't-use list.
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--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---warez > paying < free software
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If "warez > paying" and "paying < free software" then warez < free software.
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A little (OK, very) o/t, but NOT TRUE.:thumbdwn: This is math. If [(x > y) and (y < z)], then all [(x < z), (x > z) and (x = z)] are possible. Try substituting with numbers, you will see that both [x=5, y=3, z=8] and [x=7, y=2, z=8] comply with the original statement that [(x > y) and (y < z)].
I hope this rant doesn't annoy you too much (just a little...).:)
--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---If the developers used, for example, the BSD licence, anyone could copy the software, make it non-free, add in some nice features, and the community's future could be at risk if the software is good enough.
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I'm so sick if this argument. It amounts to little more than FUD. This type of thing you worry so much about hardly ever happens. I challenge you to find more than one or two examples of this happening over the last twenty years.
--- Quote from: piratePenguin --- A rather extreme example, cedega:
If any of you wanted cedega, I'd prefer you to get an illegit copy of it, rather than buying it from Transgaming that is.
Contrary to popular belief, cedega is not free software. It uses code from wine, sure, but that code is from before wine was GPL.
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It's not illegal to buy Cedega and then give it out to your friends. The Cedega license specifically permits it. They also permit you to build it yourself from the source. I found a few detailed howtos on how to build it from the CVS on linux, so if your so mad about having to pay, build it yourself.
--- Quote from: piratePenguin --- And I would pay for free software, if the software seems worth it. I wouldn't pirate it. I don't think. Unless I needed it and could not afford it.
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"I would never do _x. Unless I really wanted to do _x. Then I would do _x"
Fair enough Jenda, I stand corrected. :D
I have a different point of view regarding the licence:
To me when I'm choosing a piece of software for a particular purpose I weigh up the pros and cons of each package before I make a decision.
I consider the features, cost and compatability with my hardware before I even think about the licence. I don't care whether it's BSD, GPL, or closed source as long as it represents good value for money.
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