All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Windows Sucks
you people are so stupid all you do is sit around a complain about microsoft are there any other operating systems more used why because it is the best easiest for most people and you are just to lazy to go work and make a better one and create a monopoly yourself until you do that you cant complain you are just jeoulous you couldnt think to create a monopoly and make billions of dollars yourself
That was stupid troll crap. Be smart or go home.
What I hate most about windows:
You can turn that off
Microsoft ain't that bad, if you have proper security, then windows works fine. Windows is the most userfriendly OS.
quote:Nabeel Khalid: Microsoft ain't that bad
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Just because you happen to like Windows, "Microsoft ain't bad"? I guess you haven't read What's so bad about Microsoft yet...
quote:Nabeel Khalid: if you have proper security, then windows works fine.
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Yeah right. There are a lot of unpatched security flaws yet to be fixed by Billy Gates and Monkeyboy Ballmer.
quote:Nabeel Khalid: Windows is the most userfriendly OS.
--- End quote ---
Nope, that title still goes to Mac OS X.
The creators, Apple, actually prioritised their research on user friendlyness.
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