All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Windows Sucks

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I use windows and works fine for me. The what's so bad article is outdated! Talks about "bloat" I see bloat in every linux distro I've tried. With the right security (Firefox, Spybot, Adaware) windows if fine for a gamer.

I'm still planning to run linux or bsd once I get enough money for a new HDD.


--- Quote from: e7ement ---I use windows and works fine for me. The what's so bad article is outdated! Talks about "bloat" I see bloat in every linux distro I've tried. With the right security (Firefox, Spybot, Adaware) windows if fine for a gamer.

I'm still planning to run linux or bsd once I get enough money for a new HDD.
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 Use what works, I say.

Windows works for me, I use it, it's fine.


--- Quote from: Jenda ---I like bitching about MS. That's why I'm here...
And then again, in two months, my contact with XP will be over - for ever!
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Hellz yea!! See people this is the kind of attitude that could change the world. Were all smart people here, who needs windows. Windoze is an insult to the intelligence of a drunk mentally disbaled squirrel. I switched back to UNIX permanatly a couple monthes ago and havent used crapdows since, and I never will again. You should do the same.

ps. fuck bill gates the chronic donkey dick sucker


--- Quote from: rooooooodog ---you people are so stupid all you do is sit around a complain about microsoft are there any other operating systems more used why because it is the best easiest for most people and you are just to lazy to go work and make a better one and create a monopoly yourself until you do that you cant complain you are just jeoulous you couldnt think to create a monopoly and make billions of dollars yourself
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well im sick of you your not my friend anymore because you stole my bmx and kissed my girlfriend in the trees while i was waiting for the bus which was late and i came home and mother gave me a spanking which is all your fault because you couldnt think to steal a car and pick me up so then we could get to school on time and learn how to write a proper sentance


--- Quote from: kintaro ---well im sick of you your not my friend anymore because you stole my bmx and kissed my girlfriend in the trees while i was waiting for the bus which was late and i came home and mother gave me a spanking which is all your fault because you couldnt think to steal a car and pick me up so then we could get to school on time and learn how to write a proper sentance
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That would make a damn good movie :D


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