All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Windows Sucks

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--- Quote from: e7ement ---I use windows and works fine for me. The what's so bad article is outdated! Talks about "bloat" I see bloat in every linux distro I've tried. With the right security (Firefox, Spybot, Adaware) windows if fine for a gamer.

I'm still planning to run linux or bsd once I get enough money for a new HDD.
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That's one thing that really sucks about Windows - having to use 3rd party software just to run the operating system.

And to set things straight: the only reason I am using XP in the first place is that I live with my aunt&uncle in Canada, and they wouldn't let me upgrade their machine. It's sooo slow.
At least I don't use other MS crap. Installed Firefox, Thunderbird, and Exodus...

--- Quote from: e7ement --- well im sick of you your not my friend anymore because you stole my bmx and kissed my girlfriend in the trees while i was waiting for the bus which was late and i came home and mother gave me a spanking which is all your fault because you couldnt think to steal a car and pick me up so then we could get to school on time and learn how to write a proper sentance
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--- Quote from: e7ement ---I'm still planning to run linux or bsd once I get enough money for a new HDD.
--- End quote ---

Hey, if you have a $20 on ya, I'll send a 20-gig to your post office in your name.  $1/gig ain't half-bad on a Quantum Fireball, ya know.  Just get in contact with me on an IM service.  :cool:


Orethrius will trade straight-up for that, e7ement.  If you can find it.


--- Quote from: Jenda ---I like bitching about MS. That's why I'm here...
And then again, in two months, my contact with XP will be over - for ever!
--- End quote ---

You neophyte!  I do not like your signature banner, please remove it because I say that Linux does not suck, and I am god, therefore everything I say goes.


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