Author Topic: Learning programming-where to start  (Read 6545 times)


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Re: Learning programming-where to start
« Reply #15 on: 27 November 2005, 06:32 »
Quote from: Pathos

it is the most awful ide...

Hang on... why are you suggesting windows only ides?

 A certain someone was quoting Windows-only languages, so why not reply with Windows IDEs that support ISO-recognised languages?  ;)

Proudly posted from a Gentoo Linux system.

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Re: Learning programming-where to start
« Reply #16 on: 28 November 2005, 01:22 »
IDEs are for pussies.  Development requires a pencil, an idea, and a text editor.


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Re: Learning programming-where to start
« Reply #17 on: 28 November 2005, 01:38 »
Quote from: Orethrius
Visual Basic has horrendous loadtimes,

To be honest I haven't used VB properly since version 3.0, I've use 4 a bit though not much.

Quote from: Orethrius
and Q is all but gone - find an interpreter.

Qbasic is still supported by a reasonable sized Internet community (most of whom have now moved to FreeBASIC now anyway), interpriters are a great way to leard, speed isn't their advantage I know but the great thing is there's no messing around with compiling.

FreeBASIC is a compiler - oh well but I hope you get the point.

Quote from: Orethrius
Go ahead, we'll wait. Now for the rest of us that want to get with a REAL programming language instead of a "slap-together-a-script-kiddy-device-in-under-a-minute" language, head on over to pick up MinGW, GCC (you'll need Cygwin if you expect this particular GNU compiler to compile on a non-GNU system), or Bloodshed Dev-C++.

C is way to hard for a newb to learn, (even asm is easier in my oppinion), Basic is better for newbs and FreeBASIC is nearly as fast as GCC, it has pointers and will hopefully become object oriented  in the end. It takse adges to learn the basics of C while after spending same time learning Basic you would've written your first program.
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Re: Learning programming-where to start
« Reply #18 on: 28 November 2005, 07:52 »
java java java java = c++ for dummies.

basic is shite. I had to completely relearn how to program because I used it.


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Re: Learning programming-where to start
« Reply #19 on: 29 November 2005, 17:48 »
Firstly, ignore what everyone else says they don't have a clue. Except muzzy, because he is my hero and I would like to kiss his big hairy face one day.


If you want to get started on Object Orientated programming go and learn C#, which isn't highly multiplatform yet, but it makes more sense to a newb than most OO langauges out already. Then I would suggest you learn C++ or Java. I would choose C++ because there are more compilers for it than the other two, it runs on just about anything, any operating system, and has a lot of support. C++ is popular, which is a really good reason to use it. Java isn't to bad either, but C# is very similar, and can do a lot of things that Java cannot.

If you don't want to fuck around with OO programming (I will try and explain the different later[/i] then just learn fucking C. C like C++ has a shitload of compilers, support, and its probably still the most used and popular language on earth. Unix, Linux, VMS, and the bulk of the Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 kernel was written in C.

Object Orientated programming uses objects and classes, which make it easier to put together things like large interfaces, GUIs and such. Objects are things like "Cats" and "Dogs". Languages like C however use functions like "Bark like a dog" and "eat like a cat", or more in the context of computers "draw something on the screen", "print some text", "open a socket to another host, etc". A class in OO programming could contain a miryiad of functions related to that class. And then to make things even simpler you have stuff like namespace.

My suggestion is that you start with an OO language because it can be tricky to learn OO later if your mind is already poisoned with other languages, especially things like BASIC and Visual Basic, which you might as well kill yourself and learn OO in your next life (my first languge was basic, its not my fault, I was 7) and when I tried to learn C++ it was REALLY hard.
« Last Edit: 29 November 2005, 18:38 by Kintaro »


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Re: Learning programming-where to start
« Reply #20 on: 29 November 2005, 18:30 »
or write it up in Open Office

Are you fucked in the skull, brain damaged, severely schizophrenic, missing a chromosome, or just fucking inbred?


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Re: Learning programming-where to start
« Reply #21 on: 29 November 2005, 18:31 »
Oh and another totally kick arse language that covers nearly everything is PHP. Its also pretty easy to implement and use, has a shitload of functions, and is just fucking cool.


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Re: Learning programming-where to start
« Reply #22 on: 29 November 2005, 18:33 »
Quote from: Aloone_Jonez
Visual Basic and Qbasic's are good newb languages.

Oh sorry they're M$ so I must recommend FreeBASIC.

You fucking tool (no offence).

Those are the worst languages to start with in the world, don't touch them. I started with them and I regret it.

They don't support jack fucking squat (especially FreeBASIC and QBASIC) in the modern world and just plain suck. They also teach REALLY BAD FUCKING HABITS for a new programmer that make it almost impossible to wrap your mind around real langauges and anything that works remotely close to the machine level.


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Re: Learning programming-where to start
« Reply #23 on: 29 November 2005, 18:35 »
ESR also recommends Python

I am offically never touching python. I hate ESR.


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Re: Learning programming-where to start
« Reply #24 on: 29 November 2005, 18:37 »
Quote from: muzzy
The government of Muzzylandia cannot recommend C++ to a complete newbie. It has way too many newbie traps and problems, and its abstractions tend to leak to machine level in every implementation of it so you need to understand a lot more than just the programming language when your program doesn't work and you need to fix it.

Python is fine, even though I find the indentation issue to be unholy.

I kinda understand what you mean having learned the ghastly language at like... 13 years old... It can get pretty confusing (ESPECIALLY IF YOU KNEW FUCKING QBASIC ARGH SUICIDE PLEASE NOW OH GOD THE TRUMA MICROSOFT SHOULD BE PAYING MY SHRINK BILLS)... but languages like C and C++ actually tend to force you to learn about at least the basics of how computers work to master them, which is good.

My primary word of advice in the world of hacking and programming is to learn how it works, not just how to work it.


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Re: Learning programming-where to start
« Reply #25 on: 29 November 2005, 19:40 »
Quote from: solemnwarning
Code: [Select]

print("Perl pwns all non-compiled languages! :D\n");



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Re: Learning programming-where to start
« Reply #26 on: 29 November 2005, 22:05 »
Considering the fact that Python is OO, is easy to learn, doesn't teach you terrible programming babits, is actually readable, and things written in it are easy to reimplement in Java and C makes it a pretty worthy candidate, I think.

Anyway, the OP seems to have forgotten that this thread exists, so I guess there's no reason for this discussion!


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Re: Learning programming-where to start
« Reply #27 on: 30 November 2005, 00:21 »
Quote from: Kintaro
You fucking tool (no offence).

Those are the worst languages to start with in the world, don't touch them. I started with them and I regret it.

They don't support jack fucking squat (especially FreeBASIC and QBASIC) in the modern world and just plain suck. They also teach REALLY BAD FUCKING HABITS for a new programmer that make it almost impossible to wrap your mind around real langauges and anything that works remotely close to the machine level.

I see your point, I used to program in QBasic then started with C and gave up because I realized there were better things in life.
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Re: Learning programming-where to start
« Reply #28 on: 30 November 2005, 06:25 »
Quote from: TheQuirk
Considering the fact that Python is OO, is easy to learn, doesn't teach you terrible programming babits, is actually readable, and things written in it are easy to reimplement in Java and C makes it a pretty worthy candidate, I think.

Anyway, the OP seems to have forgotten that this thread exists, so I guess there's no reason for this discussion!

PHP is the same.


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Re: Learning programming-where to start
« Reply #29 on: 30 November 2005, 23:12 »
Different strokes for different folks. I personally find Python a lot more readable (and a lot more useful, since you can do a lot more with Python when it comes to standalone apps; then again, if the guy wants to make online toys, either one will do).

I've only used PHP 3 and PHP 4, and they definitely weren't very OO. I've heard that PHP 5 id different, though.