Operating Systems > Not Quite Mainstream OSes

Will the not ready for prime time ever be ready for prime time?

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He never even said anything about death. He referred to worm food, I thought he was refering to his excrement.

When was the last time you actually posted something other than bitching at me for something, or just plain stoned crap. Your a complete drug addict, I mean their are people like me who enjoy substances, then their are people like you who just post crap all the time that hardly even makes sense. Shut the fuck up.

Damn your stupid Kintardo. Ill be worm food in 2086, because I will have been dead from old age, and the worms would have rifled through my dead body. Do you know what happens to a dead body thats been buried in the ground?

I thought you had such a superior intellect. I guess you were the smartest retard on the little yellow school bus. Did you have to wear a helmet?:fu:

why do you have to flip your middle finger within every one of your posts? do you have a nervous twitch?


--- Quote from: Calum ---why do you have to flip your middle finger within every one of your posts? do you have a nervous twitch?
--- End quote ---

I believe dmcfarland shows many simularities to a FOX News reporter :p

LOL Refalm. I dont work for Fox-the station for evil jk. I would be a lot better off if I did. Sorry about the bird. I was temporalily insane. ;)


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