Operating Systems > Linux and UNIX
Where are the Good Open Source Games?
Well, I'm using my brothers Radeon 9800 Pro ATM and spend ~10 hours in all getting hardware rendering working (compiled Xorg-7.0-RC3 about three damn times. Also Mesa and libdrm (direct rendering manager, for DRI, nothing to do with evil-DRM). Didn't have to apply any patches. And I don't think I could've possibly ran into any more problems.). I know it works because glxgears appears to fuck everything up when I run it :D
UDPATE: glxgears only fucks up about 5+ seconds into it, and according to it's output before the crash, I get an FPS of 1600+! I get an FPS of 350+ in armagatron-advanced (against one bot). This driver ain't so bad after you get used to hitting reset every two and a half seconds. bzflag won't load atall.
Alot of these hangs could be due to the fact that the radeon 9800 driver is even relitevely unstable. I'm gonna get a 9600, if I can.
1,600 on a 9800? My FX5700 gets around 3,000....
My MX4000 is getting around 620
Awful. I remember an MX 440 getting 900. :p
--- Quote from: WMD ---Awful. I remember an MX 440 getting 900. :p
--- End quote ---
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