All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company

Linux is Doomed, Thanks to Microsoft

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--- Quote from: Refalm ---Oh well, at least you can still impress them by opening the terminal and doing stuff 100 times faster than when working in X.
--- End quote ---

Or you can use X and have 346345645 terminals on a billion workspaces (Windows third party software to give you X style workspace still sucks because Windows wasn't designed for it. I have tried shitloads different ones for my Windows XP machine and they still all suck cock compared to what Gnome, XFCE, Windowmaker, and nearly every other X desktop has).

Im not a fucking moron, you sheep fucking piece of shit. Dont call me a fucking moron. Asshole!:fu:

I didnt write the article asshole. I just relayed the information. Im glad Linux is in the public sector. Its gotten better because of it. Im pretty sure their are Linux distro's for elitist stuck up assholes who are a legend in their own mind who are wannabe intellectuals. I hate idiots like you who are always starting shit with other people. Im glad Linux is user friendly. Competition leads to innovation and innovation leads to better things.

--- Quote from: Kintaro ---Linux is not doomed you fucking moron. But it is nice to see it is leaving the public sector. I really hope for Linux to become as unpopular as possible for its development to still continue, I hate idiots ruining Linux with their user freindly bullshit.

Linux was cool about 5 years ago, its beginning to really piss me off that everyone knows what it is (or at least they think they do but they have no fucking idea).

--- End quote ---

I think Linux should be used in homes. A lot of home users who use XP, but have no interest in gaming or anything that NEEDS Windows are missing out. We had some live Linux distro's in college as an intro to Linux and a few other students started asking about it and where they can get it because it is so simple to use. Out of the whole class, I was the only one who had even seen the kernel booting, yet no one had any problems with it.

[OFFTOPIC] Pls ppl no flameing ! [/OFFTOPIC]

Even if they paid me to use Window$ I wouldn't :D

@ dmcfarland ... No flameing pls (except at M$ and Bill Gates)


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