All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company

Linux is Doomed, Thanks to Microsoft

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--- Quote from: H_TeXMeX_H ---@ dmcfarland ... No flameing pls (except at M$ and Bill Gates)
--- End quote ---

HAHAHAHA, I love that :D:thumbup:

I usaully dont flame. I dont like being reffered to as a "fucking moron." Ill apologize in public if Kintaro wasnt reffering to me.

I apologize to rest of the group for that.



--- Quote from: dmcfarland ---Im not a fucking moron, you sheep fucking piece of shit. Dont call me a fucking moron. Asshole!:fu:

I didnt write the article asshole. I just relayed the information. Im glad Linux is in the public sector. Its gotten better because of it. Im pretty sure their are Linux distro's for elitist stuck up assholes who are a legend in their own mind who are wannabe intellectuals. I hate idiots like you who are always starting shit with other people. Im glad Linux is user friendly. Competition leads to innovation and innovation leads to better things.
--- End quote ---

No user friendlyness leads to lack of innovation and a million attempts to create desktops that do what all the other "user friendly ones did".

And you titled this thread as "Linux is Doomed". Your the one who made a retarded assumption.


--- Quote from: dmcfarland ---I usaully dont flame. I dont like being reffered to as a "fucking moron." Ill apologize in public if Kintaro wasnt reffering to me.

I apologize to rest of the group for that.

--- End quote ---

I don't accept your apology in advance before recieving it. I don't need an apology, I don't give shit. Your a moron.


--- Quote from: H_TeXMeX_H ---Even if they paid me to use Window$ I wouldn't :D

@ dmcfarland ... No flameing pls (except at M$ and Bill Gates)
--- End quote ---

Your a moron as well, please don't defend me.


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