All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company

Linux is Doomed, Thanks to Microsoft

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The Gardner Group have been MS suck-ups from day one. Depend on them to publish the results of the latest MS sponsored "research" that "demonstrates" that Win-d'ohs does this or that better than Open Source. Doesn't mean a thing.

Furthermore, if this does come to pass, then the state of the art will be set back by at least thirty years. All your soft will be prohibitively expensive, won't work right, and computers won't be worth using.

--- Quote ---
 See Freedows.
See Freedows Run.
Run, Freedows, Run.

See User.
See User Hostfile Freedows Advertisers.
See PC Self-Destruct.

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Only you will pay (and pay and pay, etc. & ad infinitum, ad nauseum) for the "priviledge". They already sell e-mail addresses to spammers.

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Linux was cool about 5 years ago, its beginning to really piss me off that everyone knows what it is (or at least they think they do but they have no fucking idea).

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Yeah, but there's still Slackware.  :D  Still, "n00b" distros have their place, and having more folks out there at least trying it is a good thing, in that more users will help prevent the total 'jacking of the entire 'Net. More users also means more HW manufacturers will consider providing drivers for Linux.

I love seeing the kernel logging on startup, its nice to see that something is happening and what the kernels waiting for.

Yeah as linux gets more popular hardware support and funding will follow.


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The Gardner Group have been MS suck-ups from day one.

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--- Quote from: H_TeXMeX_H ---I think M$ is playing tricks again ... like usual, I don't believe a thing they say ... Linux will never die ... NEVER !!!! We won't let it die ... I won't at least :D
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Oh god, with people like you supporting it I change my mind.

Linux is doomed.

Now you know why I flamed him.:fu:

--- Quote from: Kintaro ---I don't accept your apology in advance before recieving it. I don't need an apology, I don't give shit. Your a moron.
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