All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company
Linux is Doomed, Thanks to Microsoft
Actually I dont believe the article. I posted for everyone perousal. I know its bullshit
--- Quote from: Kintaro ---Problem: There is no issue of any kind. Just a biased article, and morons who actually believe it.
Morons ARE the issue.
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--- Quote from: Kintaro ---Problem: There is no issue of any kind. Just a biased article, and morons who actually believe it.
Morons ARE the issue.
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Fine. I am glad we got that out of the way, as we know people like that have yet to post in this thread.
There may be some validity of Linux seeming to have a higher TCO if you have to retrain your entire IT staff and rework everything they do in order to switch to Linux, but I would say in the long it works better to not lock yourself into one vender, especially a monopolistic one.
Linux has a higher TCO but a lot more reliability as a server. Thats why big companies that can afford it use it. Linux is better, of course its going to cost more.
--- Quote from: Kintaro ---Linux has a higher TCO
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How do you know?
--- Quote from: Kintaro ---
Linux is better, of course its going to cost more.
--- End quote ---
Eh, that makes no sense.
--- Quote ---
How do you know?
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There is more demands for Linux admins, and they cost more to hire. On top of this there are more than just Microsoft studies supporting this.
Linux is more complex to operate than Windows. Linux administrators typically need more experience and training to do their job effectively. Also most companies that provide support for their Linux distributions charge more than Microsoft or third party companies that provide the same support for Windows.
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