All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company
Linux is Doomed, Thanks to Microsoft
I also find it interesting how Gartner so willingly writes off that "other 31.3%" of revenue. So because they're running UNIX, Solaris, HP-UX, Be, et al - they don't count? Excuse me, but WHAT. THE. FUCK?
--- Quote from: Orethrius ---I also find it interesting how Gartner so willingly writes off that "other 31.3%" of revenue. So because they're running UNIX, Solaris, HP-UX, Be, et al - they don't count? Excuse me, but WHAT. THE. FUCK?
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But in the real world 30% is like ... nothing...
Maybe every one was waiting for the initial surges of security updates and service packs to calm down...
--- Quote ---provided the method is secure enough
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--- Quote ---Recent rumors claimed that Microsoft wanted to giveaway its OS for free by integrating advertisements in the OS itself. If that happens (provided the method is secure enough), I don’t know what the figures would be in terms of revenue, but Windows will most definitely "outsell" Linux in sheer numbers and that could perhaps be touted as the beginning of the end of Linux.
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This raises an interesting question. What would happen if you'd block the advertisement in the OS's own hosts file?
--- Quote from: Refalm ---This raises an interesting question. What would happen if you'd block the advertisement in the OS's own hosts file?
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See Freedows.
See Freedows Run.
Run, Freedows, Run.
See User.
See User Hostfile Freedows Advertisers.
See PC Self-Destruct.
*snicker* FREEDOWS */snicker*
oh please ppl
can you hear yourselfs ?
"becouse window$ costs much it will out *something* linux"
gues what i will not pay for M$ $hit
i will use "*FREE*" UNIX BASED SERVER !
i do not care about the prise and marketing stuff connected with M$'s WINDOW$
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