All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company
Just Say No to Microsoft-A book review
I don't just think Microsoft office is superior, I think the entire platform of Windows 2003 is one of the best in the world design wise, I just personally prefer Linux because it provides a lot more choice and runs on far older hardware. However Microsoft hire professional programmers, they pay them a lot, and most of all they do not tolerate incompitence. Open Source is pretty good, but some of it such as OpenOffice is not mature enough for production use.
And I for a long time have been Linux Only because the the Linux kernel is superior on the desktop to everything else because it supports preemption and many other things that are not in Microsoft Windows, Darwin, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, and more. This is because Linux has a very fast paced development cycle that has many people with strong qualifications in computer science and engineering working on it.
The only argument I have seen against Linux as a bad choice was from a deranged FreeBSD user who didn't like a comment in the kernel about if something belongs (at least Linux developers consider that they might be making a mistake and are not arrogant pricks like those of FreeBSD, I have studied the FreeBSD source for ideas with an upcoming project and parts of it are just fucking spagetti).
OpenOffice however does not appear to have many bright people working on it, because its not a simple engineering experiment, it needs a good user interface, and people who know a lot about the inner workings of english to help provide it with the features it would require to do what I want. This basically means I am willing to shell out $20 for a student edition of Microsoft Office through school every year or two when a new version comes out.
Microsoft do actually make good software, as do a lot of Open Source projects. However some features that require a knowledge beyond computer programming and computer science are out of the scope of Open Source at the moment because their is little people with the skills needed to improve Open Office willing to do it.
I mean, I would love to help Open Office have a good grammar checker, but my grammar often sucks and if I had good enough grammar to write one I would not need one in the first place. That their is the problem, Sun Microsystems need to get off their fat arses and hire someone to do this stuff if they want to support Open Source.
Believe me, I would like to use OpenOffice, I download new versions when they come out and have done so for a very long time - but every time they dissapoint me. In fact I find the old version OpenOffice 1.x or whatever was better than 2.0.
One place I do use OpenOffice is with poetry, because it lacks a grammer checker, Microsoft makes poetry a total pain in the arse.
--- Quote from: Kintaro ---people use them for a reason, they are superior.
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Just like Internet Explorer is superior to Firefox and Opera?
People generally DO NOT use Microsoft's .doc format because it's superior. That's the first time I've ever seen "superior supported formats" used in an argument for Microsoft Office and against OpenOffice.
Why exactly do you think Microsoft's supported formats are superior? "everyone else uses them" doesn't mean they're superior.
--- Quote from: Kintaro ---
I have said all this before, why do you keep asking so many fucking redundant questions people have all told you about in the past.
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Because OpenOffice 2.0 has changed a little bit since 1.x, maybe.
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People generally DO NOT use Microsoft's .doc format because it's superior. That's the first time I've ever seen "superior supported formats" used in an argument for Microsoft Office and against OpenOffice.
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When you can implement COM Objects, and a myriad of other things in an OpenOffice document please inform me.
--- Quote from: Kintaro ---And I for a long time have been Linux Only because the the Linux kernel is superior on the desktop to everything else because it supports preemption and many other things that are not in Microsoft Windows, Darwin, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, and more.
--- End quote ---
What exactly are you talking about when you say "preemption"? Are you talking about using preemption to make linux a bonified RTOS, or are you just talking about preemtive multiutasking, which every OS you listed above has supported for ages.
He won't respond; he left this place.
More on topic, I can vouch that MS Office for Mac is pretty good, save for a few of the long-time Office-isms that MS can't seem to get rid of. For example, the odd behavior of the auto-numbered lists.
OpenOffice 2.0 for Linux is at least as good from what I've done, although, there is no Mac version of it (that doesn't suck).
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