Operating Systems > Linux and UNIX
Linux vs Windows a real life comparison
--- Quote from: toadlife ---
Flawed Premise: Files in unix are not executbale by default so users won't be hit by mail viruses.
If the file is zipped, the executable bit has already been set for you. ;) (read:The Sober Virus)
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Uhhh ... but .exe won't run on Linux ... so I don't quite see your point ... you are assuming that there are viruses that are made to run on Linux ... I've only heard of one so far and it only applies if you run a web server
And you can install most programs in your /home folder ... BUT also any program I install comes from tho fedora repo and yum will not install a program that does not match the md5 hash from the fedora site reducing the chances of me installing virus-laden programs with viruses that actually have the capability to appect my system to 0.000000000000000000000000000000001 % or less
--- Quote from: toadlife ---And anyone who claims that Gnu/Linux is a feasable desktop solution for the masses in it's current state takes Gnu/Linux too seriously. :)
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If my grandma can learn to use linux the masses better well be able to ... Linux is easier to learn than Winblow$ ... if you don't think so then we should run an experiment ... have two representatives of the masses sit down with 2 identical brand new computers with no OS installed (unformatted hard drives) ... give one of them a Window$ XP disk and one a Linux install disk (pick your favorite distro ... I would say Fedora is the easiest ... all gui ... or Ubuntu if you prefer) .. now tell me how these two are going to fare.
--- Quote from: H_TeXMeX_H ---If my grandma can learn to use linux the masses better well be able to ...
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Sure, any old fool can use Linux, in fact it's no easier/harder to use than Windows, but actually administering a Linux system is a totally differant thing altogeather.
Can your grandma install software?
Can she edit the fstab and XF86Config?
Has she ever heard of chmod?
--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---Sure, any old fool can use Linux, in fact it's no easier/harder to use than Windows, but actually administering a Linux system is a totally differant thing altogeather.
Can your grandma install software?
Can she edit the fstab and XF86Config?
Has she ever heard of chmod?
--- End quote ---
Does she need to ? (most of the time)
That's because she probably doesn't administer the system she just uses it - big differance.
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