Author Topic: Lamabox  (Read 2538 times)


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« on: 29 November 2005, 16:46 »
Just another example that our copyright laws fucking rule!

A Dutch company is introducing the Lamabox, a mediabox that you can connect to your television and hook up with the internet to download stuff thru popular P2P networks.

Quote from:
The LamaBox is an intelligent mediaplayer, connectable to the internet. The player is special because it's fully integrated with the internet, including connection to the big Peer-to-Peer networks*. Choose from an impressive collection of audio and video. The latest movies en televisionshows, playable on your television at the press of a button.

Watch live video- and audiostreams (with time-shifting), top-10 previews of movies in the theatre, the latest weather forecast or watch photo images from your digital camera and share these with friends and family.

Searching for a good movie? Make the search-spider work for you, or choose from a popular preselection. The LamaBox is simple to control and easy to use.

first player with connection to P2P-networks* via internet

find everything with the P2P-spider and download directly to harddisk

automatically add subtitles to movies

watch live internet-TV on your television (with time-shifting)

listen to hundreds of radiostations worldwide

burn downloads to DVD

simple to control and easy to use

(* including Edonkey, Bittorrent, Fasttrack (Kazaa), Gnutella en Overnet.

The LamaBox is on sale for 279 euro including 19% sales tax.
Shipment outside EU-countries won't include this sales tax. Shipment to companies within the EU without sales tax only with valid VAT-number. Prepayment through Paypal. Worldwide shipping costs: 15 euro (paypal-fee included).

Due to the large demand we kindly as for some patience, at this moment there's a long delay of approximately 5 weeks. We're working very hard to reduce this waiting time to less then a week. Please order in time.


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Re: Lamabox
« Reply #1 on: 29 November 2005, 17:05 »
Does this use your existing internet connection?

Can you send me one?
Capitalism kicks ass.
If your a selfish, self-centred prick, who is willing to leave half the world in poverty, then yes.


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Re: Lamabox
« Reply #2 on: 29 November 2005, 17:17 »
Quote from: Dark_Me
Does this use your existing internet connection?

Can you send me one?

1. Yes
2. After payment :rolleyes:


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Re: Lamabox
« Reply #3 on: 29 November 2005, 17:21 »
So because your government supports the mass-ripping-off of musicians its good?

Your governments pretty retarded by the sound of it. Allowing bittorrent trackers and search sites like piratebay is one thing, allowing mass piracy devices is just retarded. Go see the thread Alun started on Open Source Games to see what I am talking about. Sure, maybe art should be public domain and free and musicians should be happy with that. Unfortunatly, recording equipment, video cameras, and things COST MONEY.

Some people need to wake up and smell the real world.


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Re: Lamabox
« Reply #4 on: 29 November 2005, 17:52 »
Some people need to wake up and smell what the real world could be like.

That is all.
"What you share with the world is what it keeps of you."
 - Noah And The Whale: Give a little love

a poem by my computer, Macintosh Vigilante
Macintosh amends a damned around the requested typewriter. Macintosh urges a scarce design. Macintosh postulates an autobiography. Macintosh tolls the solo variant. Why does a winter audience delay macintosh? The maker tosses macintosh. Beneath female suffers a double scum. How will a rat cube the heavier cricket? Macintosh calls a method. Can macintosh nest opposite the headache? Macintosh ties the wrong fairy. When can macintosh stem the land gang? Female aborts underneath macintosh. Inside macintosh waffles female. Next to macintosh worries a well.


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Re: Lamabox
« Reply #5 on: 29 November 2005, 18:32 »
Quote from: Kintaro
So because your government supports the mass-ripping-off of musicians its good?

We have a right to create a back-up of our multimedia and trade them with other people.


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Re: Lamabox
« Reply #6 on: 29 November 2005, 20:36 »
Quote from: Refalm
We have a right to create a back-up of our multimedia and trade them with other people.

Thats what piracy, hence STEALING is numbnuts.


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Re: Lamabox
« Reply #7 on: 29 November 2005, 20:37 »
Quote from: piratePenguin
Some people need to wake up and smell what the real world could be like.

That is all.

Stealing will not get us there.

Change will get us there, but stealing from what is almost always the little guy, will not get us there.


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Re: Lamabox
« Reply #8 on: 29 November 2005, 20:56 »
Quote from: Kintaro
Thats what piracy, hence STEALING is numbnuts.

I don't think it's stealing if you trade a song for another song for free.


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Re: Lamabox
« Reply #9 on: 29 November 2005, 21:21 »
it is kinda as the people that traded songs will only have paid for one
Windows XP Service Pack 2. Because we couldn't be arsed the first time.

Windows 98 Second Edition. Look, now you don't need that bloody CD to install new hardware.

Windows Vista. Even your computer knows you have a small penis.

Windows Blackcomb. We are planning the OS after Vista, which is allready a year late.

Windows ME, the Marmite Operating System.

XP Mobile. Take your errors with you.


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Re: Lamabox
« Reply #10 on: 29 November 2005, 22:51 »
Well, since we're on the topic, let's talk about Nirvana.

their first album "Bleach" cost $600 to record.

their second album "Nevermind" cost probably $60,000 to record.

Why are the cds of these albums both the same price?  Because the record company makes enough profit off of smashes like "Nevermind" to pay themselves back for the loss they take on "Alanis Morrisette sings the hits of the 40s".  But that's really their problem, right?

All I'm saying is that, economically speaking, the music industry is fucked up.  The way things are currently done is wrong, and total piracy is wrong too.  Somewhere in the middle is common ground where everyone wins, but both sides are too stubborn to give anything up.  And it seems like nobody is talking about how things could be improved - all they are concerned with is fighting.  Let's be smarter than that and discuss a better solution.


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Re: Lamabox
« Reply #11 on: 29 November 2005, 23:38 »
It's a fucking shame that ordering this thing in the US will be good for a prison term longer than most murderers get.
Quote from: ""
<3M> ok guys i've finally got my windows me machine up and running again :D
if everything seems to be running well on windows me you've obviously overlooked something....
<3M> who is general failure and why is he reading my hard disc :(
somehow, "i told you so" doesn't quite say it ;)


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Re: Lamabox
« Reply #12 on: 29 November 2005, 23:52 »
piracy forevaaaaa

:p :p ;p :p ;P

ahem just kidding
i must have one of those
interesting ... where did the "lama" came from
could it be related to wina* ups
it is (C) now ... sh*t


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Re: Lamabox
« Reply #13 on: 30 November 2005, 00:02 »
Quote from: Kintaro
Thats what piracy, hence STEALING is numbnuts.

I disagree ... Stealing is depriving someone of their property. P2P networks involve sharing files amongst neighbors, much like if your neighbor would ask to borrow a movie or game or music CD from you. Piracy isn't all that appropriate either ... what is a pirate ... someone who comendeers a vessel or vehicle by force ... there is no force involved in internet piracy. These words are used incorrectly by large companies in order to make it seems as if these activities are wrong.

Personally, I don't think there is anything wrong with making a copy of and storing a movie or game or anything that can be downloaded from a peer ... a 'neighbor' ... yes neighbors are often assholes, but not if they give you free stuff. Of course mass distribution of copywrited material is illegal, but why is sharing this copywrited material with 'peers' illegal ? I think they are going too far. So what, the artists loose a couple thousand dollars ... they were gonna blow it on drugs and alcohol anyway, possibly overdosing and dieing ... I'd say you did them a service ... they should be paying you :D

And yes everything and everyone is corrupt ... they steal from you, you steal from them, they lie to you, you lie back, everything and everyone is full of shit ... so what can you do ? Keep the cycle going, hey if they don't stop I sure as hell won't :D


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Re: Lamabox
« Reply #14 on: 30 November 2005, 02:15 »
Quote from: H_TeXMeX_H
I disagree ... Stealing is depriving someone of their property. P2P networks involve sharing files amongst neighbors, much like if your neighbor would ask to borrow a movie or game or music CD from you. Piracy isn't all that appropriate either ... what is a pirate ... someone who comendeers a vessel or vehicle by force ... there is no force involved in internet piracy. These words are used incorrectly by large companies in order to make it seems as if these activities are wrong.

You are correct about the term pirate, that is a phrase used for fear-mongering.  Even though stealing is depriving someone of their property, it still applies to warez.  The licensing agreements for software and music specifically state that they are just loaning you the songs, and you don't in any way or form "own them".  Therefore, giving them to your neighbors is illegal, putting them on the web is illegal, and making backup copies for your own use is also illegal. Actually, it is different than stealing, it is more like vandalism, since you are deliberately misusing someone else's property.

Quote from: H_TeXMeX_H
Personally, I don't think there is anything wrong with making a copy of and storing a movie or game or anything that can be downloaded from a peer ... a 'neighbor'

Well, neither do I.  And I also think it is pretty sad that we have this whole huge system in place for people to sell and resell all this crap, even though you never truly own it.  But hey, it isn't up to you or me.  It's these huge media corporations, with bigger bankrolls than Norway, pissing and moaning about everything.  Do you know that the audio cassette tape was delayed by a number of years, because it could allow a person to make a copy of an LP?  And the VCR was delayed too, because it was feared that people would use it to tape TV shows, and fast-forward thru the commercials.  Those things seem like the most natural and useful applications, yet they were once considered theft and/or piracy.  Point being that the giant media companies will always have some whine about what they need, and they have the money to make it so.

Quote from: H_TeXMeX_H
And yes everything and everyone is corrupt ... they steal from you, you steal from them, they lie to you, you lie back, everything and everyone is full of shit ... so what can you do ? Keep the cycle going, hey if they don't stop I sure as hell won't :D

That's the shittiest attitude I have heard in a long time.