What kind of "development" was Muzzy talking about?
Some tools come to mind to make things easier:
http://vtcl.sourceforge.net/ - Visual TCL
http://java.sun.com/ - Java (There are decent IDEs, if you're willing to hunt for them, e.g. NetBeans, Eclipse, even jGrasp; Java can give a native feel via it's LookAndFeel support, and it CAN make desktop applications regardless of the FUD surrounding this. If you just HAVE to have a native launcher, it shouldn't be that hard to write a program that basically runs another program [I don't think i'm over-simplifying])
http://vdkbuilder.sourceforge.net/ - VDKBuilder
http://glade.gnome.org/ - Glade
http://doc.trolltech.com/2.3/designer.html - QT Designer
Borland's Kylix is not mentioned, since Borland apparently abandonded it (and no upgrade path? how nice of them...).
Oh, and as for Java not being "EASY", how exactly is the new VB .NET 2005 easy? Considering it pretty much has every feature of C# now. People migrating from VB6 who think they understand what "OOP" is all about are going to be in for some major headaches

(especially if they use Option Strict On, which you should because it's good practice [and besides, using DirectCast is fun]).
I'll admit having everything together in Visual Studio speeds up development time, but you kind of need to be able to survive and write code at a decent pace WITHOUT IT.