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A Win95 question

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I don't know, that was 4-1/2 years ago. I would love to upgrade this Ol'puter to a non MS operating system but, for the moment it's all I have and I have no money to invest in it.

I just have that one symple question at the moment.

If I delete the \windows\history folder, will it screw my system?

in a word, no. however as with any closed source software, it's never a 100% certainty!  :D


quote:*sigh* you could have legally gotten a total moneyback refund if when you had bought the 'puter you turned on windows, read the EULA which states that the product may be taken off and a refund will be provided from the place of purchase (or something along those line), then taken off windows.
--- End quote ---
Sorry, but it doesn't quite work that way. If you buy a new 'puter with Winders as an OEM install, just starting the damn thing up constitutes acceptance of the EULA, even if the only reason to start Winders is to ditch it. Sure, you'd get a refund if Macro$uck were an honorable corporation. (Then, again, if they were, you probably wouldn't need a refund since an honorable corporation wouldn't've threatened to screw over the OEMs to prevent them from installing whatever soft you wanted in the first place.) So don't count on getting any refunds from that outfit.    

Live Free or Die: Linux

"There: now you'll never have to look at those dirty Windows anymore"  --  Daffy Duck  :D

not at microsoft itself but the oem. some guy went through like 3 months to get a refund for win98


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