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France Pushes to Ban Free Software

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--- Quote from: sledz41 ---Thats terrible, I hope that doesn't go through.
Its banning innovation and creativity in the software field and locking in Microsoft to have full domination of software. It's as bad as banning free speech.
--- End quote ---

It's worse than banning free speech. This is nothing less than digital newspeak. It seems like these asshole lawmakers are pushing this thing through before their constituents figure out what they're doing and kick their sorry asses out of office.

What I'd really like to know is how much they were paid to do this, and what the source of the money truly is.

Most people don't believe me, but I think everyone gets what they deserve in the end. If people don't stand up for they believe in (free, open source software), they will get what they deserve ... being raped up the ass by M$ and other large companies.

P.S. To all those who want to blame an entire country for the actions of a corrupt government ... don't ... I don't know of any government on this planet that is not corrupt in some way. When you say "the French" or 'the Dutch" you are talking about the government, not the people.

Blaming the slaves for the master's cruelty is pure ignorance.

Back to topic, it's quite a surprising decision, since just a year before they were embracing open source.

M$ must have done something in between then and now to "change their minds".

I've had my fun. I feel sorry for the people of france if this goes through.


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