All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company
DirectX 10: We care about gamers
--- Quote from: WineConf 2006 09/19/2006 summary ---Direct3D10, which will ship with Windows Vista in a few months, doesn't seem to be a large cause for concern. At first glance it appears to be more of an evolutionary change rather than revolutionary. New shader support will be needed, but extending ours once OpenGL supports it should be pretty easy. Stefan mentioned Microsoft is currently offering a lot of incentives for Windows developers who develop D3D10-only games since they'll only be usable on Vista - there's no plan to backport D3D10 to XP. Dan Kegel asked if that means we should port Wine's forthcoming D3D10 implementation to Windows, which would be relatively easy when we switch to WGL.
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I really haven't been keeping tabs on this disgrace but let me know when taking pride in being a "PC gamer" finally and righteously turns to shame. I can't stand gamer nerds. Fine play your games, but why tout that around as a legitimate concern of OS technology. Grow up. Keep on stickling about trivial increases in textures, resolutions, and polygon count while fiddling around with the same old piece of shit mouse and keyboard. Call me when the actual physical interface advances.
(and yes I know you can buy a joystick, racing wheel, etc. but who has this? And only a wheel & pedals would interest me. Flying with a joystick is retarded. And more important than all that, the showcase of these games, the core reason to geek out on video hardware, is predominantly due to FPS games --hence back to the pathetic mouse and keyboard)
DirectX 9 doesn't have backwards compatibility. My dad has Windows ME and DirectX 9 and I can't use my older games on it. Why would DirectX 10 have reverse compatibility if 9 didn't? If we can use games that were compatible with previous versions, well, I would be very suprised indeed. Very fucking typical of Microsoft to try and bump users of older stuff off and charge a bomb to use the new stuff.
I can see how much class (or should I say lack of class) they have in trying to remove gamers who use older games and trying to pressurize gamers into upgrading their version of DirectX. Any company with more sense than money would give we gamers some decant hardware/software that can accept older games and older versions or at least offer equipment that can function alongside older hardware and software when both are installed in the same base unit and/or on the same hard drive. Maybe even, like Nintendo, for example, keep their older products available at least somewhere on the market! *sigh* Microsoft's hardware and software gets worse as time passes. Not better. Many other companies provide for all folk who buy their products. But not these losers we are forced to call Microsoft. I guess caring about their customers and trying to provide for most is not how they go about business.
No DirectX upgrade for me. This new version will mean that I might not be able to use any of my games at all.:thumbdwn:
--- Quote ---DirectX 9 doesn't have backwards compatibility. My dad has Windows ME and DirectX 9 and I can't use my older games on it. Why would DirectX 10 have reverse compatibility if 9 didn't? If we can use games that were compatible with previous versions, well, I would be very suprised indeed.
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Interesting that you say this. I've grown in the free software world to expect backwards compatibility to be possible somehow (keeping an old version of a library around), and ya know, I don't think it's any extra inconvenience for the GTK+, Qt, etc.... developers.
WHats with the "J00 AINT PLAIN' TEH OLD GAMES !"
Why don't microsoft provide compatibility mode for the executables and when you run the game in that mode it will just use the old Libs.
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