All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company

DirectX 10: We care about gamers

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[OFFTOPIC] PS: How do you generate those pictures of yours?[/OFFTOPIC]

On the subject, it would be pretty embarasing for Microsoft, if gamers use Wine to play DirectX 10 games on Windows XP.


--- Quote from: _LiquidOxygen ---DirectX 9 doesn't have backwards compatibility. My dad has Windows ME and DirectX 9 and I can't use my older games on it.
--- End quote ---

DX9 Does have backwards compatability in it.  Your problems probably lie with  Windows ME, which is a giant piece of CRAP.

You are quite right. My favourite systems from the Windows series are 95, 98, and ME, but I have noticed that as the time passes and the operating systems have come out of hiding, compatibility problems have always been on the increase since the release of systems after 98. And it ain't gonna get better. Only much worse. Windows 2000 and XP's compatibility was much worse than that in Windows 98, and yet support is only enabled for those. I wish game compatibility was not just fixed towards certain entries in the Windows series only. I wish that we could at least use our games on Linux, Unix, Acorn, others like that.:(
I wish I had a Windows 98 disc again so that I could get my old games out of the box in my cupboard I store them in. Or better still, Windows 98 and a Linux disc. Seems like we are being forced to dig deep into our nearly empty money safes and fish out for new games whereas Microsoft's money sacks grow as heavy as large lumps of osmium (the heaviest of all known elements, twice as heavy as lead).
However, I COULD use my older games before I upgraded to DirectX 9. It proves both of our points.:(
Selfishness has taken hold of the brains (or should I say lack of brains) at Microsoft.


--- Quote from: _LiquidOxygen ---[OFFTOPIC] PS: How do you generate those pictures of yours?[/OFFTOPIC]
--- End quote ---

 [OFFTOPIC]Wich pictures of ours ?[/OFFTOPIC]


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