All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company

DirectX 10: We care about gamers

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[OFFTOPIC] The ones on the left sitting just under your username and above your post count. [/OFFTOPIC]

[offtopic]Most of them we lift from sites wholesale, or edit to suit our needs.  I think Etement's is the most original on here right now.  :)

You set the image under "User CP" > "Control Panel" > "Edit Avatar" for your posts, and "Edit Profile Picture" for whatever you want in your profile.  Mine was Werner Klemperer for a while.  :D

[offtopic]And now it's the dark mage from Final Fantasy (the original on NES...just plain old NES)[/offtopic]

[OFFTOPIC]Truly, Black Mage rulez.:thumbup:[/OFFTOPIC]


--- Quote from: pofnlice ---[offtopic]And now it's the dark mage from Final Fantasy (the original on NES...just plain old NES)[/offtopic]
--- End quote ---

 [offtopic]I've not played FF3 that much, I just did it because of 8-Bit Theater.  :D[/offtopic]


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