All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company
DirectX 10: We care about gamers
--- Quote from: tombo ---BSA = Bull Shit Artists perhaps?
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Business Software Alliance. You'll get used to hating that name while Tiny parks his meat wagon in your carriage house for the next 15-20 years for not being smart enough to dump the platform that made you violate all kinds of copyright and contract laws by doing what you're thinking.
--- Quote from: tombo ---Don't think any antimicrosoft zealots will get publicity....because there are so many.
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Fuckmicrosoft has been mentioned in Forbes and Reuters (to name some non-tech publications), buddy - that's pretty decent publicity for a home-brewed activist site.
--- Quote from: tombo ---My gripe with Microsoft is how they are trying to Monopolise gaming by forcing users who want to upgrade their graphics cards to DX10 to installing Vista also. A 'Varient' of DX10 would be ideal which is capable of running on another OS. But to force people with a particular type of hardware to have no option is bad for consumers...period. I have no gripe with the new OS perse, but I do have a problem with targeting gamers to further entrench a monopoly.
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I happen to agree, but check out who founded and owns the DirectX "standard" some time. If it reminds you of the Internet Explorer "standard" and the Word Doc "standard" then I hope you agree that something's definitely rotten in the vicinity of Denmark.
--- Quote from: pofnlice ---I got news for ya buddy, Gamers were among the first targets of MS. Always have been. All the way back at win 3.1 You had a fair shot at finding games for other OS, then 95, other OS's were decent for games. Then along came 98. The gamers worlds has predominantly resided in windows with the most current ver of DX ever since.
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Right, and Microsoft saw the classic console formats as encroaching into "their" gaming territory and unleashed the Xbox upon a generally unsuspecting public.
--- Quote from: pofnlice ---This isn't even a new move. They used to have the Game designers do it for you. Remember any of the upgrades because you went to install a game and it told you your DX didn't support it, but conveniently enough, the newest ver is with this amazing install disk!
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It's easy to embrace the corporation when they control the system, the media, the codecs, the hardware specs...
--- Quote from: pofnlice ---Yeah, they must love me...
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Of course they do - in much the same way you might "love" any particular supermodel. Repeat customers are marketing's pornography.
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