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360 in trouble

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Classic game, most of those games that have been ported to X are true classics. :D

Anyone played Greebles? :thumbup:


--- Quote from: MarathoN ---Apeiron OMG :eek:

I remember playing that as a child, that game ROCKS :D

I want to play it.... :(
--- End quote ---

The OS X version is great.  It has 16-bit graphics, internet scores, and such.  Problem is, it's almost unplayable with a trackpad, and I have no USB mice around.  I'll have to buy a Bluetooth one for myself.  I got to try it with a real mouse at school, and I'm pretty good (I was a master at MS Centipede, after all), but the shareware version only goes to level 15 (which is a piece of cake to get to).  The only serial I can find online doesn't work though...fuck it, I'll just buy the thing.  The all-time high score is ~49,000,000 on level 6,824...I have some work to do. :D

As for my precious Tetris, nothing beats the 1-bit/8-bit color Spectrum Holobyte version.  Period.


--- Quote from: WMD ---The correct answer is to buy a Mac and play Apeiron X and Tetris until the end of time.  That's my plan, so far.  :D
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The REAL correct answer


--- Quote from: Annorax ---The REAL correct answer
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An even better answer


--- Quote from: solemnwarning ---An even better answer
--- End quote ---

Unreal Tournament gets soooo boring after a while ... doesn't it ? Maybe if they came up with a really good mod, then it might be fun again.


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