Author Topic: Microsoft claims firms 'hitting a wall' with Linux  (Read 4401 times)


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Re: Microsoft claims firms 'hitting a wall' with Linux
« Reply #30 on: 1 December 2005, 02:49 »
Quote from: johnip
Let me start by stating in my opinion MS Windows (all versions) is just a virus.

You know I can't understand where these people who compile the "independant report" get their data from, I have been using GNU/Linux, Irix, OS X and other ?nix OS for years and have found that the reliability of NON Windows OS's to be so much higher than Windows the comparisons are a joke. Anyone who is serious about real computing does NOT use windows, no exceptions, I have seen sp many times where lots (5 or more) of Windows "servers" being replaced by a single (sometimes older) GNU/Linux of FreeBSD box and doing a way better job, without being rebooted for months (sometimes over a year). I have yet to see a GNU/Linux system replaced by Windows system.

When will people wake up to MS's so called "independant" reports.

Actually when will people wake up and stop perpetuating the Windows virus!

I agree completely !!! Window$ is a fucking virus ... and Bill Gates is a parasite, a blood-sucking intestinal worm ... or no wait, he sucks money not blood :D ... or both ?


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Re: Microsoft claims firms 'hitting a wall' with Linux
« Reply #31 on: 1 December 2005, 03:23 »
Windows isnt a virus. Its a yugo fully loaded with options. I like having alternatives to things. I love linux, and I would to see more OS's on the market. I love competition. I learned on Netware, I've experienced NT, and Ive gotten a taste of Linux.

Bill Gate$ isnt a parasite. Bill is an angry geek who's getting back at the world for beating him up and taking his lunch. Bill=Meglomaniac.:thumbup:

Quote from: johnip
Let me start by stating in my opinion MS Windows (all versions) is just a virus.

You know I can't understand where these people who compile the "independant report" get their data from, I have been using GNU/Linux, Irix, OS X and other ?nix OS for years and have found that the reliability of NON Windows OS's to be so much higher than Windows the comparisons are a joke. Anyone who is serious about real computing does NOT use windows, no exceptions, I have seen sp many times where lots (5 or more) of Windows "servers" being replaced by a single (sometimes older) GNU/Linux of FreeBSD box and doing a way better job, without being rebooted for months (sometimes over a year). I have yet to see a GNU/Linux system replaced by Windows system.

When will people wake up to MS's so called "independant" reports.

Actually when will people wake up and stop perpetuating the Windows virus!
Whip me, Beat me, Humiliate me, Mistreat me, and Windows XP me.:fu:


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Re: Microsoft claims firms 'hitting a wall' with Linux
« Reply #32 on: 1 December 2005, 05:04 »
I think your analysis of Bill Gates quite clearly shows a lot more about your personality than his.

Bill Gates is awesome. He does more than anyone else here does for the world, so stfu.


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Re: Microsoft claims firms 'hitting a wall' with Linux
« Reply #33 on: 1 December 2005, 10:35 »
Quote from: Kintaro
I think your analysis of Bill Gates quite clearly shows a lot more about your personality than his.

Bill Gates is awesome. He does more than anyone else here does for the world, so stfu.

 I think your arrogance is ill-fitting for a pariah of your stature.
Also, what does it matter what he does for the world, when he does it with ill intent in his heart?
A murderer that backs the Red Cross is still a murderer.

Proudly posted from a Gentoo Linux system.

Quote from: Calum
even if you're renting you've got more rights than if you're using windows.

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Re: Microsoft claims firms 'hitting a wall' with Linux
« Reply #34 on: 1 December 2005, 17:23 »
Quote from: Orethrius
I think your arrogance is ill-fitting for a pariah of your stature.
Also, what does it matter what he does for the world, when he does it with ill intent in his heart?
A murderer that backs the Red Cross is still a murderer.

Troll troll troll yet boat gently down the stream.

Actually, all I was really saying is he does a lot more than most businessmen and sets an example.

All rich people suck, not just Bill Gates.

Yes Steve Jobs and all the others suck as well.


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Re: Microsoft claims firms 'hitting a wall' with Linux
« Reply #35 on: 2 December 2005, 00:24 »
If you were rich you'd suck too ... I know I would ... give me power and I will become just as evil as they are. Once, long ago, maybe I would have done good things with power, but I've realized how much most people suck and don't deserve jack shit, so I'll give 'em what they deserve.


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Re: Microsoft claims firms 'hitting a wall' with Linux
« Reply #36 on: 2 December 2005, 05:09 »
Quote from: H_TeXMeX_H
If you were rich you'd suck too ... I know I would ... give me power and I will become just as evil as they are. Once, long ago, maybe I would have done good things with power, but I've realized how much most people suck and don't deserve jack shit, so I'll give 'em what they deserve.

No shit.

So why not give the others what they deserve.

In fact, Linus Torvalds could be considered rich because he is still better off than most people. Obviously Linus Torvalds in your view is a complete cunt and should be arrested by the pinko police.


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Re: Microsoft claims firms 'hitting a wall' with Linux
« Reply #37 on: 3 December 2005, 19:10 »
Quote from: Kintaro
No shit.

So why not give the others what they deserve.

In fact, Linus Torvalds could be considered rich because he is still better off than most people. Obviously Linus Torvalds in your view is a complete cunt and should be arrested by the pinko police.

Linus Torvalds is rich ? how rich ? I mean if Linux is free, how can he be rich ?


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Re: Microsoft claims firms 'hitting a wall' with Linux
« Reply #38 on: 5 December 2005, 22:39 »
Compared to my $30,000/year ass, Linus is rich.  He has a fucking job, you know, probably makes at least $50k from that.  He gets hired to do enterprise consulting all the time, that's major bank.  And people actually get paid for speaking engagements - Linus will come to your school and talk about Linux - for a price.  Oh yes, Linus has money, I'm sure of it.

And that's one of my points about free software - it doesn't mean there will be a bunch of broke programmers out there.  Linus wrote Linux in his spare time, and continues to direct its future, in his spare time.  So why not give it away?  He didn't make it for money, he made it because it was useful.


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Re: Microsoft claims firms 'hitting a wall' with Linux
« Reply #39 on: 5 December 2005, 22:47 »
Well ... I wasn't talking about the Linus kind of rich ... I was talking about the Bill Gates kind of rich ... filthy fucking rich, not just rich :) When you got that much money it will go to your head eventually, not like Gates has too much in his head.