Author Topic: M$ Remote De$ktop  (Read 1137 times)


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M$ Remote De$ktop
« on: 10 March 2003, 22:17 »
My friends, let's have a look at this, wich I found at MicroSoft's Web$ite:


Do you want to remotely access your computer so you can work with all your data and applications while away from your desk?
Remote Desktop, a feature found only in Windows XP Professional, lets you set up your computer for connection from any other Windows-based computer. Leave a file at home? Don't want to lug a laptop around? Remote Desktop gives you access to your computer from virtually anywhere.

Now, I'm not familiar with Micro$soft products, and I'm especially unfamiliar with XP, but I am curious: Is this feature (?) as unsafe as it sounds??

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M$ Remote De$ktop
« Reply #1 on: 10 March 2003, 23:01 »
Yes, it is. It's incredibly easy to grab packets from it. Nothing is encrypted either. It would be too damn slow if it had to encrypt every piece of data that went though there.