All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

What MSCE Means ?


What MCSE really stands for...

 Must Consult Someone Experienced

 Must Consult Someone Else

 Morons Crudely Simulating Expertise

 My Cranium Softened Easily

 My Computer's Software Exploded

 Meandering Cosmicrays 'Sodded Explorer

 Must... Contain... STR. Eaaaaaaaaaaaurgh!

 Mutant Computers Seem Eviscerated

 Minimising Competence is So Exhausting

 Management Conned by Something Expensive

 Management will Catch you with a Screenful of Erotica

 Moe and Curly's Software Emporium

 Mongolian Clusterfsck Swallows Everything

 My Company Screws Everyone

 Mutated Convoluted Strokery Everywhere

 Monetary Compensation Sounds Exciting

 Minimally Cheerful Software Experience

 Mad Consultants Slurping Ethanol

 Minesweeper Consultant / Solitaire Expert

 My Customers Support Extravagance

 Making Computers Slow Everyday

 Management Coronaries Soon Enough

 Maledictis Confutatious Sounds Exquisite

 Many Collisions Saturate Ethernet

 More Co-opted Standards Everyday

 Megabytes Can Soon Evaporate

 Making Companies Surrender Everyday

 Mortifying Crackle of Static Electricity

 Mouse Clickings of Sophomoric Experimentation

 Massive Computational Solar Eclipse

 Misunderstanding Cryptically Strange Errors

 Mass C Squared is Energy

 Moot Crypto Software is Exportable

 My Cat Studies Ecclesiastes

 Making Computers Susceptible to Exploit

 Mounteback Causing Significant Expenses

 Multiple Corrective Servicepack Exorcist

 Maybe Could Suggest Exorcism

 Mouse Clicks Selected Erase

 Managing Computers by Slapdash Empiricism

 Meowing Cats Suggest Evil

 Managing Crap Systems Everyday

 Madly Causing Slashdot Effect

 Mainframe Computers Seemed Extinct

 Maintenance Contracts Seem Expensive

 Making Computers Spew Errors

 Moron Confused by Sun Equipment

 Marginal Computer Software Enthusiast

 Marketing Cancels Software Efficiency

 Marksmanship Can Solve Everything

 Mayday, Called Some Experts

 Migrane-Causing Suckage Extravaganza

 Molasses Comparitively Seems Expeditious

 Molotov Cocktails Shutdown Electricity

 Monkies Composing Shakespearian Equivalents

 Mutant Computer Solutions Evangelist

 Most Computers Suck Exasperatingly

 Mozilla Couldn't Stomach Explorer

 Morning Comes So Early

 Millenium Caused Societal Extinction

 Making Cretins Self-Employed

 Mail Consumed Somewhere in Exchange

 Mischief Causing Shipwrecked Equipment

 Mindfscked Computers Swapping Egregiously

 Manipulative Closed-Source Economics

 Management Can't Send E-mail

 Misconceived Computer Science Experiment

 Massive Cyberspace Sheepshearing Empire

 Motherboard Chips Simulate Encephalopathy

 Mutated CP/M System Emulator

 Managers Contain Significant Egos

 Me-too Computer Science Education

 Most Computers Suck Eggs

 Maintenance Costs Significantly Extra

 Minion of the Crappy Software Empire

 Misguided Consultant Slagging Eunuchs

 Mindless Corporate Systems Engineer

 Microsoft Certified Shutdown Engineer

 Microsoft Creatures Seeking Employment

Clicks "Print"

MCSE = Marketing-Concocted Substitute for Experience

My Company Shall Exclude

Ax Slinger:
Microsoft Computers Shall Explode


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