All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Hardware
Move Xbox 360 - and your game is lost...
--- Quote from: Lead Head ---Lite-On makes snoy's drives..........
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Bah. My brother has a drive with Sony written on it, I thought they made it.
The highest rated DVD players for the home-video market are Toshibas. Maybe they're pretty good.
--- Quote from: etement ---I almost feel sad for all the people who bought it...
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bahahahhahah ... I don't ... they deserve it :D ... that'll show them the true nature of Microsoft ... heck I bet Gates planned it out, having the Xbox360 scratch up disk so you can keep buying new ones at your expense of course ... oh yes he is a man/demon of the year indeed.
Of course, if you are a total moron, you would keep buying Xbox 360s. If you are smart, you would mod it. I guess bill is hoping for hardware illiterate parents of 12 year olds to buy it...
--- Quote from: ReggieMicheals ---Of course, if you are a total moron, you would keep buying Xbox 360s. If you are smart, you would mod it. I guess bill is hoping for hardware illiterate parents of 12 year olds to buy it...
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You mean the majority of their customers? :D
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