Operating Systems > macOS
MS ends MSIE on OSX
--- Quote from: cymon ---Safari didn't need any help pwnzorzing IE.
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Yea well, Apple didn't do it alone. They had the help of KHTML (from the Konqueror people. Nothing to do with Firefox, I know.).
--- Quote from: skyman8081 ---Wasn't IE for the Mac made by a completely different team at MS, and was actually standards-compliant with a lot of things, Like CSS1, HTML4, PNG1, and a few others?
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Supposedly, yes. But at this point, it doesn't render a lot of pages very well, from 5 years of neglect. It's also pretty slow.
--- Quote from: skyman8081 ---Wasn't IE for the Mac made by a completely different team at MS, and was actually standards-compliant with a lot of things, Like CSS1, HTML4, PNG1, and a few others?
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That may be true. But both Mac and Win IE's CSS2 implementations were ghastly. And different. Which caused a lot of troubles, allowing Safari to sweep in and save the day.
Forget 'em all. There's Shiira. Take Safari and make it better and you have Shiira.
Hmmm, I prefer Safari. Shiira just seems to be a bit wierd.
If you want something cool, try the WebKit nightly builds on nightly.webkit.org. They're occasionally unstable, or defective, but nowehre near as bad as IE.
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