All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Hardware
XBox 360
The PB computer I had(this was in the USA in the 90s, I don't know if they still do the same crap) had most of the parts integrated into the motherboard, so upgrading anything but the processor, 4 PCI devices, the drives, and the memory was nearly impossible(graphics card was integrated which was the thing that pissed me off later). To make it worse, the on board clock(not the instructions clock, but the one that was keeping time in the BIOS correct) was a Large Capacitor and not an actual battery, it died out and the BIOS would not allow me to access the Operating System. If Packard Bell still does shit like this I will not buy their computers...
If your CMOS dies, and you know the specs of your hard drive, you can usually fool the computer into letting you at least get in and salvage some data. I've done this before.
Onboard stuff is just one of the methods that was used to keep prices down in order to insure that everyone bought a computer, even if they didn't need one. Although it was shitty at the time, it makes PCs kinda cheap now, much cheaper than they should be. Fortunately, most decent computers don't use onboard video or onboard sound anymore.
Lead Head:
does packard bell even exist anymore?
--- Quote from: Lead Head ---does packard bell even exist anymore?
--- End quote ---
Yes, but only in Europe. And even then, they aren't exactly a huge company. Far from their glory days.
--- Quote from: worker201 ---If your CMOS dies, and you know the specs of your hard drive, you can usually fool the computer into letting you at least get in and salvage some data. I've done this before.
--- End quote ---
I'd like to see that. (links?)
If your CMOS dies, that means your mobo won't post (and cannot even supply a clock for the CPU) and you aren't able to do anything at all unless you buy a new CMOS chip from the manufacturer or you hotflash it from an idtentical board...or buy a new motherboard.
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