Stop Microsoft
All Things Microsoft => Microsoft Software => Topic started by: why_use_windoze on 8 August 2003, 00:18
I don't have Me or anything, I just want to know how. C:/CON/CON crashes 9x and some code crashes any NT OS.
:D Thanks!!!
Originally posted by I Hate Internet Explorer:
I don't have Me or anything, I just want to know how. C:/CON/CON crashes 9x and some code crashes any NT OS.
:D Thanks!!!
Me is 9x
C:/CON/CON doesn't work under Me.
Format C: would probably work. As would using it for over 10 minutes, trying to make it do anything more complicated than write a letter, the death ping or using the debugger to overwrite sections of ram. (Some dude posted taht here a little while ago...) Just do a google search for "ping of death," I assume that "hacking" your friends on IRC is what you want this for. :rolleyes:
edit : uriniating on the motherboard or hitting it with a sledgehammer probably works too.
[ August 07, 2003: Message edited by: Faust ]
It will probably involve dropping to cmd.exe and doing a few scary things at the command line (like "help ping" or "ping /?" so if you are a Windows (l)user yourself you may want someone else there to hold your hand.
[ August 07, 2003: Message edited by: Faust ]
Here we go:
ping -l 65510
ping -l 65510 [targetipgoeshere]
will work from Windows. Make damn sure you do both commands in the order specified, you need the first one to initialize it.
How do I crash WinMe
Move the mouse?
No boot it, surely?
Originally posted by Faust:
[QB]Here we go:
ping -l 65510
ping -l 65510 [targetipgoeshere]
Why would that crash Windows? I actually did that to myself once when I was learning about TCP/IP (the first part) and didn't really notice anything... I mean, I could understand if it had some sort of effect on your internet connection, but crashing you? :confused:
I'll bet if you just turn it on...
Dowload and save about twenty files in to c:\
then highlight all the files right click and select open, your pc will either crash or freeze
(music and movie files are recomended) :mad:
hope that helps (http://smile.gif)
if that doesn't work leave it on for half an hour
Originally posted by Dirk Gently:
Why would that crash Windows? I actually did that to myself once when I was learning about TCP/IP (the first part) and didn't really notice anything... I mean, I could understand if it had some sort of effect on your internet connection, but crashing you? :confused:
Because the packet's too big, so it causes a buffer overflow.
I feel a bit weird defending ME but I am. ME, while being seen as a sorry piece of shit in almost everyone's eyes I see it as an OS that works for what I do. Yes it gets blue screens of death, they go away after pushing enter. No it hasnt crashed on me after opening 30+ .mp3 files. Moving the mouse doesnt crash it. I normally run WinAmp, Mozilla, YahElite and GGDT.exe with no problems or slowdowns. I can use it for more than 10 minutes and I've left it on for a few hours only to come back to a working computer.
See, All I do on my computer is browse with Mozilla, Chat with YahElite, Listen to music with WinAmp, design airguns with GGDT.exe and sometimes use Adobe Photoshop for photography work.
I havent had to defrag in a long time, rebooting once a week works fine for me.
I understand that by saying all this I come off as Pro-MS, that is not the case. I disagree with MS's ethics and other things, I do agree that the OS I use sucks for what you may use it for, but I'm fine on it.
Now, if you cant handle me using Win ME then go fuck yourself. It doesnt change anything about me and if you want to call names then do so knowing your being twits.
In other words...
WinME = Crap
Crap = Works good enough.
Originally posted by Aaron-V4.0:
I do agree that the OS I use sucks for what you may use it for, but I'm fine on it.
That's what I hate about it. Look, if you don't use Internet Explorer, you should have the option not to install it. Then your system's ten times faster, and crashes less often.
And it's a bitch to have to use a floppy to boot to DOS. Not everything works in MS's POS DOS emulator.
Yes it gets blue screens of death, they go away after pushing enter.
Wow, you're gone forever I see.
Crap = Works good enough.
Well I'll just stick with something non crap that works even better. :D
Faust, I'm not gone forever. When I get a computer that I own completely then I'll install Linux (Or I'll get a Mac!) do you get it?
Originally posted by Aaron-V4.0:
...When I get a computer that I own completely then I'll install Linux...
But you should have this option when you purchase the system, without paying MS - Microsoft prevents that from happening. Therefore you buy a Dell and you're stuck paying for XP whether you want it or not. It's like movie theaters not allowing you to bring your own popcorn, since you have no choice, their popcorn don't have to be good.
Some companies like Gateway have tried to fight this policy.
Yes yes I know that too! When the time comes I will research it all. *Isnt a moderator for looks.*
Well I'm sure this has been posted here before, but just in case you are not aware of it (and you wish to read it): (
especially - H. Microsoft's Pricing Behavior - which is basically what I was referring to above.
Originally posted by flap:
Because the packet's too big, so it causes a buffer overflow.
No it doesn't. Big packets don't crash anything.
How do I crash WinMe?
Just boot it up.