[0]REBloomfield writes "The BBC is reporting that the British Government
is working with Microsoft in order to [1]gain backdoor access to hard
drives encrypted by the forthcoming Windows Vista file system. Professor
Anderson, professor of security engineering at Cambridge University,
urged the Government to contact Microsoft over fears that evidence could
be lost by suspects claiming to have forgotten their encryption key."
FBI had a backdoor in Windows 98.
i know a very powerful encryption :)
when the data is transfered in binary 1/0
just have a gadget to make every 1 into 0 and the other way around:)
it will give a hell of a pain to some one else to read the hdd :P
FBI had a backdoor in Windows 98.
Resistence is futile. You will be assimilated.
FBI had a backdoor in Windows 98.
No Backdoor in Vista
mytrip (http://www.politicianssuck.com/) wrote to mention a C|Net article stating that Vista will not have a security backdoor (http://news.com.com/Microsoft+Vista+wont+get+a+backdoor/2100-1016_3-6046016.html?tag=nefd.top) after all. From the article: "'The suggestion is that we are working with governments to create a back door so that they can always access BitLocker-encrypted data,' Niels Ferguson, a developer and cryptographer at Microsoft, wrote Thursday on a corporate blog. 'Over my dead body,' he wrote in his post titled Back-door nonsense."