Stop Microsoft
All Things Microsoft => Microsoft Software => Topic started by: bwid_s_01 on 26 July 2003, 21:12
The fuck with Internet Explorer. Which browser do you people recommend I use on Win2000/XP instead of IE? What exactly are the differences between Netscape, Mozilla, and Mozilla Firebird? Which one is the best and why? Thanks
Mozilla is cool, Netscape sucks and Firebird is pretty cool too. I use Mozilla, and it 0wnz (http://smile.gif)
I like Mozilla (http://smile.gif)
Go grab Mozilla from Built-in popup blocking, lots of configuration options, nice themes, super fast. You can't go wrong.
This is just me saying the other three posters are correct :D
Mozilla and Netscape are basically the same program,
except AOL owns Netscape so don't use it!
Firebird is just Mozilla without an HTML editing program, and without an email client.
Opera is good to, you have alot of options with opera, page sizing for one. There is a box at the top right of the opera screen with a drop down list of percentages you can make your screen 50%, 40%, 30% etc smaller or larger
But its kinda tricky getting plugins to work on opera: Quick time, Java etc
So get Mozilla and never look back, one other cool thing. Mozilla is totally opensource so you an download betas and alphas all the time, some of them have new features, and some just run better, its cool.
AND DUMP XP!! Get SuSELinux, or any variant of Linux, Ill still be happy........Wait no Lindows!
Originally posted by suselinux:
AND DUMP XP!! Get SuSELinux, or any variant of Linux, Ill still be happy........Wait no Lindows!
Not one day passes that I wish to dump the shit that is called XP. I can't thought because of programs I love using such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Photoshop, TMPGenc, and Cool Edit Pro. :(
Originally posted by bwid_s_01:
Not one day passes that I wish to dump the shit that is called XP. I can't thought because of programs I love using such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Photoshop, TMPGenc, and Cool Edit Pro. :(
I was in the same boat once, I dual booted SuSE and WinME, I couldn't let go of windows. Then I found that everything I needed was right there, Gimp for graphics, Kooka for my scanner, Digikam for my digital camera, Kopete for MSNMessenger, just look around goto
sourceforge (
Type in the windows program you use and find all the Linux equivalents
or freshmeat (
and do the same thing
or use wine to run the windows program if all else fails, but don't say I can't switch because of a lack of apps.
5 other techies can't be wrong...go w/ Mozilla :-D
Here's my penny's worth..
Opera, good as in it does what it says on the tin, free or pay for version.
Available for Linux, Mac, OS/2, Solaris, FreeBSD, QNX Smartphone/PDA and cack Windows.
check out (
my vote goes for firebird. if you want a good mail client, check out the matching email app, Minotaur.
opera...if not opera, mozilla
Mozilla kicks IE's ass :D
Mozilla dude, the brower ROCKS! i tell you why rocks because i use to think MOZILLA didn't render webpage correctly and no webmaster didn't support it or i couldn't check my credit card,bank statment online and other stuff.. but when i give it a try for whole day i fell in love with it, i can't live without it or can't use microshit without it. it off has alot good feature (no there're not useless feature)
2. has pop up killer - IE eat your heart out
3.fuck it! discover it for your self has to much feature to explain
just give a try
[ July 27, 2003: Message edited by: mc0282 ]
Hi, it's my first post here. :)
Mozilla is an excelent browser, you should definitely download it ( Firebird is lite Mozilla (it doesn't have all the features). Opera is also very nice but it's not open source and has advertisement banners. I think you should download both Mozilla and Opera.
Try Linux as well. You can dual boot. You don't need to use Linux all the time. Just get acquainted with Gimp and other open source apps. Maybe one day you'll find you don't need Windows anymore.
Microsoft is getting ready to change IE after being sued 500 mill$ for patent infringments
web page (
1 : It is seriously fucked up that MS has to change their browser after that case. I hate MS as much as anyone here, but thats a bad decision by the courts there (I take it we are talking about the "active x" case?
2 : Firebird is only kind of "mozilla lite..." Its the new version of Mozilla with only the web browser, and it's pretty cool. Much prettier too, although I haven't used many Mozilla themes. If you get Mozilla (Firebird is still beta I think) don't worry about the default theme, there's a better one there too. ;) My vote is for Firebird though. :D
Actually wait! I vote for Linx! (joke!)
it's not that it's a "Lite" version, it's designed to be modular from the start, so you can make it as "heavy" as you want ;)
Zardoz, your sig just got written in permanent marker on my poster. :D
edit : ie this one -
Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.
-- sun tzu
[ August 30, 2003: Message edited by: Faust ]
Mozilla 1.5 comes with the spell checker included.
It doesn't say that here: (
but it does say that here: ( , go figure.
You'll also want to visit: (
I you don't need the editor and MozMail, get Firebird instead.
Why Use Mozilla? (
"We will bind the shell to the Internet Explorer,
so that running any other browser is a jolting experience."
- Brad Chase wrote to his superiors near the end of 1995.
Opera* is a good browser to use but I prefer mozilla.
And for your windows programs that don't have linux alternatives you might be able to run them in wine or winex**.
*Note that although opera has ads you can easily block them by adding the ad servers which opera uses to your hosts file.
**Note that winex costs money but you can get it for free off of the ed2k network.
[ August 30, 2003: Message edited by: TheKnifeThrower ]
yeah i love fire bird, i downloaded it lastnight got that flame theme happenin no more pop up problems and no more cookie problems with vb forums and all, and ill just like to say thanks this site has single handedly converted my from xpee to mandrake :D good stuff guys
Mozilla is the way to go! Opera is nice too but the ads are a bit annoying. You could try Firebird as well, it won't hurt you.
All over Browsers for the Windows Platform
Well, I can tell You I have more or less experience with browsers
Mayby You can pick up something
IExplorer SP1
This is the standard, it is compleet interwoven with explorer and other shit into the
operating system, this makes windows prone to crashes ,mostly useless computercycles ,
and makes us to much depending onto Microsoft, a lot is told about this, go onto internet
to find it ,a good start is to search onto microshit
I use 98lite to get rid of all this stuff
IExplorer is im my vieuw the fastest explorer there is,Opera claims it is the fastest,
it is not , IExplorer as standalone (possible with 98lite) is really the fasted
IEplorer is also the shittyest browser there is:all this because it is trying to control
us and everything on your computer and onto the net.
All is stored into the cache,history,coockies,recent,temp,offline web,web and a lot of
other directories depending onto you configuration
Pay attention, if you clean cache,history,coockies all is not claned,
index.dat , that you can find a lot of times onto your computer in not cleaned by Windows
itself,i think it is cleaned by some cleaning programs, you can not delete those files,
but you can copy an empty file onto them sothat they're cleaned, i couln't try this for
windows 2000 and XP,so let me know, to find all those do a search with find onto your
If You got problems with browsing , specially with IExplorer do this:
- clean cache,history,coockies
- find your passwordfile, which is a file with extention *.PWL,
copy this one somewere else a a spare one, copy an empty one onto it
- start up with a dos floppy,delete WIN386.SWP in your windows directory,
a new,clean one will be created when windows starts
Even if IE is a shitty browser, you need if as
- It's the only one that spoofs
- some sites only accepts IExplorer, sometimes a IE clone
IE Clones
1 Sleipnir
This is a tabbed IE clone like Myie2,
I got a copy of a friend,this is really an amazing browser,
it is made by a Japanner,i don't know how to download it,
this is the Cadillac under the browser, it gets everything,
all other browser are far behind this one
This browser lets you switch of the IEcache if you like
2 Myie2
This is a tabbed IE clone I used it a lot
- tabbed = browser, many screens with different sites opened = less memory used
- anti popup build into , no need for external antipopup
- buiild in translation programs
- icon build into, to clean cache,history,coockies etc, all together or separedly
- a lot of options and posibilities no other browser has
3 Greenbrowser
This is a tabbed IE clone like Myie2,
it has a loader, so that new windows load
quicker,this can be disabled
The also cheat us about their seize,
as it is compressed with asspacl
4 Crazybrowser
Like Myie2
5 Netcaptor
Like Myie2
6 SlimBrowser ,Gosurf ,iNet-Tabs
More tabbed IEclones
7 iRider
You can download a trial version,
it is very special,mayby you like it
This is a very basic IEclone
doen't use the IEcache
it is not a tabbed browser
opera latest version is opera 7.11 it is a good browser, highly configurable
with or without Sun Java
but I prefer the latest opera6, this is opera 6.06, this version is little known
and contains the latest bugfixes
I 've installed two of them with different preferences
one of this i always use when making spoofs,
i've made a small batchfile that cleans
cookies4.dat, download.dat ,global.dat ,vlink4.dat and my C:Tmp_cach of opera
that way, ican clean easily opera and don't contaminate the IE cache when trying
to make a spoof
Opera claims it is the smallest browser around, they are misleading us as it is not,
all operaversions are compressed with aspack, the best exe compressor today,so you
have to multiply opera's size with 3 mayby 4 times, this is really not fair, i asked
them onto their board abd they had to admit,asthere was a lot of reaction onto the
board, all because of my questions about it
Try out aspack onto exe files, you'll see the difference in size
This is a tabbed Netscape clone that in my eyes is faster, easier, more stable
and smaller than Mozilla
Ther is a build with a loader
I use it for Mozilla or Netscape
Give it a try
The Offbyone browser
This is a very archaic and strange browser, it's difficult to adapt to it but
- it's the smallest +- 1MB, compressed with aspack only 363008 Kb
- it is even faster than IE i think
- it 's a candidate to download when other browsers fail
- so i use it specially when downloading pictures give problems
Other Browsers I've installed:
Netscape and clones
- K-meleon is the best , see above
- Netscape is huge, slow, but a good browser
if you want a quickier,stabler and stand alone version look at ( for a Sillydog version
- Mozilla is a good browser
- Phoenix , which is faster
- Mozilla Firebird ,new bread , nice
- beonex-comm
Other browsers
- Amaya ,which is the standard browser at W3C
- Hotjava , a javabrowser from Sun
- Mosaic, old, used to be the standard in early browsers
- CipherNet , little used
- Enigma , little used
- 32bitbroiwser , little used
- WebDoctor , this one you can have a look onto
There are other, mostly shit, not working
Mozilla Firebird is geat! I recently switched to it like 2 months ago and made it my default browser in 5mins Its the best out Pop-up blocking on it is awsome
Mozilla is a good browser for sure. If you were on mac os i would recomend camino or safari.
Yea Definatly Safari on Mac OS
a list of Browsers tah I used
1)M$N Exploder.
what the fuck... a grou[p of spywaered serviced groupedd in to one
rating: 1/5
HAs a security gap that allowes web sites to instaall prrograms on your mactine.
rating 0/5
OK but kinda bugy
rating: 3/5
possibly the bast and safest browser out there
rating: 5/5
Mozilla Firebird.... because damnit.. Firebirds are cool. The cars, and the birds...
possibly the bast and safest browser out there
needs a spell checker?
Originally posted by Xp Convert:
possibly the bast and safest browser out there
needs a spell checker?
Don't even start!
There's no Flash plug-in for Konqueror, while there is one for Mozilla on Linux, but Konqueror is a little bit better.
Mozilla would kick the ass of Konqueror if they compiled it for GTK+ 2, but I guess that will never come...
i was just suggesting he got the plug in (http://tongue.gif)
yeah, i switched from IE to Mozilla 2 months ago, and it gave me a slight problem where i couldn't download things, but i quick look in the forums and bingo, i found the problem. unlike IE where the problem persists and no one knows how to fix it cuz microsoft is full of c*ck suckers. it's really great.. i like the tab navigating, and doesn't mozilla use netscape? or something to that extent? anyone care to explain?
i downloaded mozilla and installed it but it wouldnt load pages and instead of trying to fix it i just went back to IE rather not have to try so hard to get something that is probably not that great.
I like macs by the way and safari and all except that i would like the competitiors to have an edition ready already- im not going to download beta edition on my computer, its got enough bugs already...
if there was a good competitor i would download in a flash
Mozilla Firebird is the best one!
Originally posted by needs to know:
i downloaded mozilla and installed it but it wouldnt load pages and instead of trying to fix it i just went back to IE rather not have to try so hard to get something that is probably not that great.
I like macs by the way and safari and all except that i would like the competitiors to have an edition ready already- im not going to download beta edition on my computer, its got enough bugs already...
if there was a good competitor i would download in a flash
If you really don't like Mozilla try opera (
Try an older version of mozilla like 1.3, but I see no reason why any version should not work.
You could also try Netscape, it's just Mozilla with AOL's signature.
But please please please do not use IE, for your own good and for the rest of the world!
mozilla-firebird, i love it. i tried epiphany but man, talk about a freakin beta build. it crashes more than windows 95 (i'm not joking)