Stop Microsoft
Miscellaneous => The Lounge => Topic started by: cahult on 23 June 2006, 05:25
A Dell laptop exploded at a conference sending out flames and smoke for about five minutes. If someone had held it when it blew up he or she would have been killed on the spot. See the pictures and pray it wasn
No wonder I don't buy OEM :P
(Unless its a HP laptop)
The Lithium ion battery is the cause ... many a cell phone from Motorolla has done the same ... it's not Dell's fault really, it's the battery (Li-ion) And yes someone's ear was blown off by one :D
It could be their fault fot not installing a proper battery protection system.
Looks like someone tried to steal James Bonds' laptop by force :) .
If that had happened on a plane in the US the Sky Marshalls would probably shoot first and ask questions second.
It could be their fault fot not installing a proper battery protection system.
It's possible, like some of the phones that blew up had poorly manufactured batteries, or even the wrong batteries. It could be Dell's fault, but these batteries have to be made well. It explodes cuz it gets too hot and often exposes the Lithium inside to oxygen ... not a good idea ;)
It's possible, like some of the phones that blew up had poorly manufactured batteries, or even the wrong batteries. It could be Dell's fault, but these batteries have to be made well. It explodes cuz it gets too hot and often exposes the Lithium inside to oxygen ... not a good idea ;)
Lithium with water is much more fun though:(
I'm sure Dell does try to make every saving they can including cheap batteries.
But probably half the laptops out there use the same ones.
laptops suck!
i dislike them couse you can not make your own
or maby you could but its far too pricy that to make your own
Lithium with water is much more fun though:(
Yeah, but it still reacts with the oxygen in water right ? Anyway it should not be exposed to the atmosphere, especially when hot.
from the article
"Fire extinguishers leave a mess on your suit and belongings; pack your stuff (if you can) and leave, leave, leave!" he advises.
What an asshole.
"Gee I'm sorry your building burned down and maybe somebody got killed, but I'm too much of a pussy to get stuff on my suit." The freaking hotel would have paid to clean his damn suit in all likelihood!
And if there's a fire, you don't pack your stuff. If you can't use the fire extinguisher, waiting to pack your stuff is a good way to get killed.
laptops suck!
i dislike them couse you can not make your own
or maby you could but its far too pricy that to make your own
Yeah laptops are known for failing in all kinds of ways but there are some good top quality ones out there like Sager.
a pound of c-4 would have been better....
that will be rad!
like put the c4 on the place of the pc-speekers :)
the first beep will be the last :)
Looks like someone tried to steal James Bonds' laptop by force :) .
If that had happened on a plane in the US the Sky Marshalls would probably shoot first and ask questions second.
how could they shoot in a plane?
how could they shoot in a plane?
I think he means they would shoot the plane down :P
No. You can shoot in a plane. During all the skyjackings in the 1970's, a special slug was developed for the sky marshalls called the Glaser Safety Slug.
Here is the Wikipedia article:
Basically, it will produce large shallow wounds, but it fragments easily and has very low penetration. It goes through prison mattresses and thick clothing, but not things like drywall. You could shoot it in an airplane without explosive decompression.
Neat ... would be useful on a plane. Of course, they also have all sorts of non-lethal weapons like tazers and bean bags or rubber bullets (they might go through the wall of an aircraft ?)
Explosive decompression from a single bullet hole to a fueselage has been proven to be unfeasible. Several bullet holes also would not cause this as the preassure would have more escape routes, thus lessening the effect in a single area as well. You need cataclysmic structural failure to get explosive decompression....even then it's more like rapid decompression since the structurally sound bit fails and "falls out", it would resemble an explosion in appearance though.
It's still a neat thought though...
how could they shoot in a plane?
over here in the modern world we have this neat thing called a firearm... it "shoots" projectiles out of it using "gunpowder".
Anyways, enough of patronizing calum :p
Would there really be "explosive" decompression with a 1cm hole in a commercial airliner... or is that just in movies?
over here in the modern world we have this neat thing called a firearm... it "shoots" projectiles out of it using "gunpowder".
Anyways, enough of patronizing calum :p
Would there really be "explosive" decompression with a 1cm hole in a commercial airliner... or is that just in movies?
No, a plane is not airtight to begin with. It's ability to maintain pressure is merely for the systems to put in more air volume than they are losing.
A small bullet hole would just place slightly more stress on this system, cabin pressure would probably still be maintained. If not, the Pilot would be able to react and decend a few thousand feet to make up the difference.
If a window was hit I think it would be a similar situation but the Pilot would have to take quicker action and in-cabin masks would probably be triggered.
A more worrying problem would be if pneumatic or electrical subsytems were damaged, but this is why Marshalls use the sort of slug described above.
or they might use a big KNIFE !
hell why don't they ever have blades with them!?
because it is typically frowned upon to stab the bad guy....
The "glass" in an airliner window is not glass at all. In some cases it can even be stronger than parts of the fueselage. It's a polymer. Anyway, a shot to the glass would just make a neat little hole that would probably whistle through the double panes. You could plug it with your finger and have no fear of being sucked out. However, depending on altitude and airspeed, It could become a reasonably painfull exercise.
Explosive decompression without a b_mb is not feasible. However, it looks good in the movies.
I believe Calum did mean "shoot in a plane." Sky Marshals are armed with firearms inside a plane. If you catch a ride which has a destination of the USA or a Departure from The USA, there's a chance you have a Sky Marshal onboard, readuy to shoot the baddies if they act up. They are specially trained to do this and use typically special munitions.
What about that gnarly scene from the end of Alien: Resurrection? Would that be possible?
In a vaccum...hmmmmmm probably!
Leave it to you! Now you crack me up....
BTW, I do not recall ever having a nice apple in TEXAS either...But, oddly enough, Missouri had loads, especially granny smith! Yeah I know, that's in the other topic!
BTW, I do not recall ever having a nice apple in TEXAS either
Come to California, where the apples mutate so as to release endorphins that convince us they actually taste good.
Just in movies. And video games.
You would have to have a bomb to get real explosive decompression. Unless you can manipulate space and time.
Dell is recalling batteries for laptops cuz they were manufactured improperly by $ony. (
So it wasn't really Dell's fault ... it was $ony. Shit, and I have a $ony laptop. Hope they made the batteries properly, so far I've had no problems tho.
It was Dell's fault for doing business with Sony ;)
If you want a successful business, don't do business with Sony. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.
Dell is recalling batteries for laptops cuz they were manufactured improperly by $ony. (
So it wasn't really Dell's fault ... it was $ony.
Apple recently recalled a shitload of batteries from iBook G4s and PowerBook G4s. The manufacturer? Sony. Damn, those fuckers just cannot make batteries!
Yup, here's the Apple battery exchange program ... again $ony batteries:
According to an article in the Houston Chronicle, Sony's stock is drooping like an old man's pecker. So they are actually taking plenty of economic heat for their blunders.
It's called responsibility, and they're having a good helping of it. Dished up by the very consumers they were taking for granted.
Isn't it Ironic,
Don't you think...
It's like 10,000 sppons,
when all you need is a knife.
I hope they go bankrupt and disappear ... much like M$ should. With enough blunders they just might.
I hope they go bankrupt and disappear ... much like M$ should. With enough blunders they just might.
Who? Sony or Dell?
Did Sony's stock dip when they had that rootkit cd thing a few months back? Probably not - I don't think anybody really understood what was happening. But 4 million battery recalls is as clear as day.
Who? Sony or Dell?
$ony mostly ... Dell not as much.
I mean Dell makes cheap (but often shitty) computers ... but they are far less shitty than Compaq so they're ok with me, not I would ever buy a Dell.
I think $ony has recently aquired some bad management ... they are likely to continue making blunders until the management gets replaced or they go bankrupt.
Plus Dell beats the crap outta the competition when it comes to being green:
The Dell battery recall was recently expanded to many more batteries ... all by $ony. I just got an e-mail about it.
'Tis interesting what this HAL guy is thinking of doing with all these batteries exploding..
And he actually wrote a patch for it:
Dunno if it'll get in - there's a lot of bitching about it. But, damn, that ain't a bad idea.
how could they shoot in a plane?
Bullets have no effect on the structural integrity of a plane. MythBusters did an experiment a while back, and unless you're shooting the window with an RPG-7, then you won't have 'explosive decompression.'