Stop Microsoft
All Things Microsoft => Microsoft as a Company => Topic started by: H_TeXMeX_H on 30 July 2006, 04:28
Straight from slashdot and google video ... kinda funny too:
All your aunt so set up us the bomb killer delete!
If nobody else does, I'm making a t-shirt line out of this. Especially after this response ( Scratch that, I think I'll make the shirts regardless. :D
Jesus. That seems really... um... shitty. Kinda like it's totally broken? I remember using basic voice commands back in Mac OS 9. I wonder what would happen if Vista had voice control.
"Run Word."
:: Vista shows a picture of a Pontiac Sunbird ::
:: Vista connects to the internet and buys clothes ::
"Get refund."
:: Vista runs Excel ::
"Close Excel and run Word."
:: Vista BSODs ::
Still, I wonder how most people can take M$ seriously after shit like this. And this isn't the first time they've fucked up badly ... just check the M$ history vids (one ( of em). Hey, maybe I don't even wanna know the answer to that question ... it'll probably anger me and depress me at the same time.
Did it ever hit any of you that the user didn't calibrate the software properly?
Calibrate the software ? Like the cell phones with the same or similar software ? It never works either. My phone never needed any calibration and the voice dial works just fine if you speak clearly. My mom's phone on the other hand needed calibration, and it still won't work properly.
Some slashdotter that goes by JoeLinux hit the nail pretty much right on the head. Good sarcasm, too.
It's just a one-time thing.
I mean, it's not like they have a reputation for releasing half-assed code that's been hyped up through marketing to the point that it will never perform as advertised.
And it's not like this is a company that is having image problems due to its monopolistic nature.
Or headed by an infamous ragaholic with a history of intolerance towards free standards.
Nope, I'm sure that this is just an accident by a company that spends its off hours petting little baby chickens and bunnies.
again a bad thing of billy gay
I feel compelled to "bash" this n00b ... well maybe I can contain myself long enough for him to explain himself and maybe change my mind
I feel compelled to "bash" this n00b
No need to use emphasis quotes for your pun on 'bash', we get it.
Personally, I think you should tcsh the guy, but that's just me.
It's not that funny! I mean c'mon, doesn't everybody include at lest something like;
"Dear Aunt,
Let's set so, double the killer delete select all."
I do :D
I coat hat Dog breasts Akronsoft in the bay if Pizza's delete delete delete. Double the killer. No. Damn it.
I coat hat Dog breasts Akronsoft in the bay if Pizza's delete delete delete. Double the killer. No. Damn it.
Love how it got the curses right, I'd half-expect it to replace "damn it" with "Hoover Dam" until your brain exploded from the sheer stupidity of it all. :D
:] muahahha :]
any way speach recognition is the way to go ... just the wrong company
is developeing it :D :D
:] muahahha :]
any way speach recognition is the way to go ... just the wrong company
is developeing it :D :D
Developing? Macs had Speakable Items for at least the past decade.
did they ... hm...
ithought if it existed MS would have stollen it ... any way
:) speaking to your computer is so COOL ;]
its like an adutant :) just like in SC ...
*modulated voice* You've got mail...
*me* Read it ...
*modulated voice* [Starts reading the mail]
IBM voice type.