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All Things Microsoft => Microsoft Software => Topic started by: Xeen on 26 September 2003, 17:52

Title: New Longhorn Pics
Post by: Xeen on 26 September 2003, 17:52 (
Title: New Longhorn Pics
Post by: solarismka on 26 September 2003, 17:57
Wow!  Its STILL Ugly!  :D
Title: New Longhorn Pics
Post by: Laukev7 on 26 September 2003, 18:06
Bah. Still as horrendous as the last time I tried it.

I heard that it was supposed to be released in 2004, then 2005. Now it's delayed to 2006...
Title: New Longhorn Pics
Post by: Refalm on 26 September 2003, 19:25
Look at this ( one. Windows got "kill" too. I suspect people are going to mark that as another Microsoft innovation. The same when Microsoft ripped off task grouping from KDE.

Anyway, the Aero theme was much better, but now they made it look like dogshit again.
Title: New Longhorn Pics
Post by: Laukev7 on 26 September 2003, 19:53
Aero theme? I only say the plex theme. Got any screenshots of the Aero theme?
Title: New Longhorn Pics
Post by: Canadian Lover on 26 September 2003, 20:32
Ha! I liked the "Go away! This will take ten minunites!" meaning"Go away! We don't wan't you to see us fucking your system!
Title: New Longhorn Pics
Post by: Canadian Lover on 26 September 2003, 20:39
Boy! now you have to buy a larger screen?

[ September 26, 2003: Message edited by: The all Canadian Lover ]

Title: New Longhorn Pics
Post by: jasonlane on 26 September 2003, 20:51
What a whole load of wank. I finally found out why too much blue is a bad thing, actually too much of any colour on screen is a bad thing.

An excess of blue on screen will actually after staring at it for a few hours tinge your vision orange. Great move M$.

Do M$ actually think they produce good UI design??? It's truly awful. I'm sorry anyone who thinks otherwise, well that's your prerogative but you're wrong.
Title: New Longhorn Pics
Post by: hm_murdock on 26 September 2003, 23:50
they didn't "make it ugly again"

those screenshots predate Aero. That's right before they dropped Plex and the GDI desktop compositor for their new engine.

The reason it's so ugly is they've got two generations of tech there. The big toolbar at the top with the title in it, is the thick toolbar you see inthe Aero screenshots, and right below it, is the classic Explorer toolbar.

As for the poor quality of the appearance theme, once the new renderer is active (as it is in all those Aero screenies) you've got a whole new world. It's like the difference in X11 (old hat, 2D, bitmapped) and Quartz (next-gen, OpenGL accelerated, PDF vector based).

it's something that Linux dudes should think about... why keep dicking around with tired old X11 when EVERYBODY ELSE is going to vector-based high-quality desktops?

<shameless plug>Get in on the Linux Next Gen Desktop project, and help build CthulOS. We've planned for the "Dagon" display-ghostscript layer, and an advanced NeXT-based architecture. Help us with the future, and we can actually make Linux better than Longhorn</shameless plug>
Title: New Longhorn Pics
Post by: Fett101 on 27 September 2003, 00:37
Originally posted by Zardoz:
An excess of blue on screen will actually after staring at it for a few hours tinge your vision orange. Great move M$.

So that's thier new plan. Turn everyones vision orange, and then they'll rule the world. Bill gates really is an evil genius!  :eek:
Title: New Longhorn Pics
Post by: Ronan on 27 September 2003, 08:45
o my fucking gosh... they only added pretty sparkely images.. u can do the same thing with skin studio... ect ect... these people are pathetic.
Title: New Longhorn Pics
Post by: Enmity on 27 September 2003, 11:30
Everything is blue...
Please wait while setup detects your computer's hardware
This can take up to 10 minutes

Shit how long does it take Knoppix to detect hardware, and they loading sand-clock icon is OLD.

OMG and they have a Windows security prompt?! Shit like it'd be loads better   :rolleyes:  
I'm getting insomnia from this shit.   (http://redface.gif)
Title: New Longhorn Pics
Post by: pofnlice on 27 September 2003, 12:04
it looks like XP with Gizmos...very innovative and original...but hey AC/DC played the exact same kind and type of incredibly similar music for 20 years and they're still cool  ;)
Title: New Longhorn Pics
Post by: static_bomber623 on 17 October 2003, 11:11
Can we agree that one of the biggest selling factors of Windows XP was the fruitified desktop (which reminds us all of Barney's Playland), and all those bubbly widgets, which do nothing more than take up space after your used to them?  Seriously, this stuff is not innovative, but looks a lot like several themes ripped straight from  I'm sure the rest of longhorn is shit straight from the dog's ass.
Title: New Longhorn Pics
Post by: Refalm on 17 October 2003, 14:15
Zardoz: An excess of blue on screen will actually after staring at it for a few hours tinge your vision orange. Great move M$.

I actually had that problem once. That blue desktop theme looked pretty cool though.
Title: New Longhorn Pics
Post by: TB on 17 October 2003, 20:43
Originally posted by AmericanBastard:
it looks like XP with Gizmos...very innovative and original...but hey AC/DC played the exact same kind and type of incredibly similar music for 20 years and they're still cool   ;)  

Hmmmm not really. After 20 years of the same old stuff you do get just a tad annoyed. Which is what is gonna happen with microsoft users. They're finally gonna get sick of frequent rectal bleeding as a result of being continually raped by bill gates and they're gonna say ENOUGH!
Title: New Longhorn Pics
Post by: shuiend on 18 October 2003, 00:54
Yah i recently tried build 4029 actually like 2 days ago. It was total crap. First off i did get my wireless card working but with windows in charge of my wireless network things arnt pretty. Then i didnt want to install my soundcard driver but it kept popping up like a little pretty box in the right bottom corner that pissed the hell out of me. also default resolution was 640X480. Which pissed me off alot. Also i even needed a crack for longhorn even when it is still an alpha or something. That is real crap. Think how much trouble a tester would have having to activate it every time they reinstall it
Title: New Longhorn Pics
Post by: xyle_one on 18 October 2003, 04:39
I thought that the evolution of user interface would be to make things easier to see and to use?

Where did all my screen realestate go???!!!?!?! Fuckin hate the new look.
Title: New Longhorn Pics
Post by: raptor on 21 October 2003, 04:56
looks nice!  :rolleyes:
Title: New Longhorn Pics
Post by: Laukev7 on 26 October 2003, 10:30
Yet more screenshots of M$ Long$corn. (
Title: New Longhorn Pics
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 26 October 2003, 10:10
lol look at the Start menu, they tried to go for the suddle abstract thing that apple does but it just ended up looking weird. n00bs.
Title: New Longhorn Pics
Post by: Fett101 on 26 October 2003, 11:40
They took out all the blue  :eek:  What the hell are we going to complain about now?   :eek:  

Title: New Longhorn Pics
Post by: TheKnifeThrower on 26 October 2003, 11:46
They even stole the popup blocking feaure from mozilla.

And why the fuck is everything grey?
Title: New Longhorn Pics
Post by: xyle_one on 26 October 2003, 11:53
it looks better than the all blue version. i still would like to know why the have so much wasted space. poor design.
Title: New Longhorn Pics
Post by: Zombie9920 on 26 October 2003, 13:39
That new build doesn't look all that bad. I may actually try Longhorn out now(not as my main OS though). I didn't try earlier builds because that blue Plex VS was terrible(it murdered my eyes). Of course I won't use that sidebar because I'm a miminalist desktop person. That sidebar is too large for my likings.

(EDIT)As you guys can see Longhorn still has a long way to go. I bet the new look won't be final. It is going to undergo more changes as the Longhorn development progresses. I wonder if this build has a working beta of Aero?

[ October 26, 2003: Message edited by: Viper ]

Title: New Longhorn Pics
Post by: jasonlane on 26 October 2003, 14:43
Originally posted by Fett101:
They took out all the blue   :eek:   What the hell are we going to complain about now?    :eek:  


Now it's all black and dark blue!!! even worse. They should get someone to teach them about the psychology of colour.
Title: New Longhorn Pics
Post by: Refalm on 26 October 2003, 23:42
I don't think they're going to keep this theme, because it looks like a theme gone bad.
Title: New Longhorn Pics
Post by: solarflare on 28 October 2003, 02:02
Longhorn looks SHIT!


I cant wait for it to be released - people will be leaving windows like lemmings off a cliff!
Title: New Longhorn Pics
Post by: Fett101 on 28 October 2003, 05:18
Yes. Just like they did with XP.   :rolleyes:
Title: New Longhorn Pics
Post by: Claris on 28 October 2003, 05:32
Originally posted by The all Canadian Lover:
Ha! I liked the "Go away! This will take ten minunites!" meaning"Go away! We don't wan't you to see us fucking your system!

It really shows what kind of people this OS appeals too when they have to be told that they don't have to stare at the screen for a ten minute process.

"This will take about ten minutes. Feel free to go and do something else."

"Really? No shit!?"