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All Things Microsoft => Microsoft Software => Topic started by: BouncingAyatollah on 19 November 2003, 05:42

Title: 5 Myths About 'Wronghorn'
Post by: BouncingAyatollah on 19 November 2003, 05:42
The 5 following damaging myths:

Myth #1: The Longhorn suite will be a worthwhile investment.
Myth #2: Longhorn will not drive customer dependence on Microsoft products.
Myth #3: Longhorn will provide a better alternative to Java.
Myth #4: Longhorn will not require a multitude of customer upgrades to implement.
Myth #5: Longhorn will support open standards.

are debunked here:

ZDnet (
Title: 5 Myths About 'Wronghorn'
Post by: Laukev7 on 19 November 2003, 10:34
Heh, 'Wronghorn'. Never thought of that.   :D

Myth #3: Longhorn will provide a better alternative to Java.

Yup, .net is yet another rip-off, like Sparkle;sz=336x280;ord=5710064173? (;sz=336x280;ord=5710064173?) and XDocs ( . With .not, you'll be able to run software on any platform, as long as it's Windows.
Title: 5 Myths About 'Wronghorn'
Post by: Enmity on 19 November 2003, 18:00
I've recently DLed the ISO of longhorn build 4051 and installed it
*start the flames*
one comment:

don't use it
uninstalled it ASAP
Title: 5 Myths About 'Wronghorn'
Post by: xyle_one on 19 November 2003, 19:44
Did you really think it would be fast and streamlined? I expect alot of bloat. I expect that i will have to buy a brand new computer just to run it halfway decently. Which is sad, considering my machine is still very fast. It runs xp like ass. Slow. 2000 runs better on my pc. Doesnt matter, becuase i rarely use windows, and have no doubt that i will never even install wronghorn.
Title: 5 Myths About 'Wronghorn'
Post by: TB on 22 November 2003, 20:00
Wow....a decidedly anti-M$ article on ZDNet???? Either something is seriously wrong over there, or the painkillers i'm on at the moment are way too strong.
Title: 5 Myths About 'Wronghorn'
Post by: HPC GUY on 22 November 2003, 22:25
alotta crack heads responding to that article saying that its bs. i a few ppl need to wake up and smell the starbucks.....
Title: 5 Myths About 'Wronghorn'
Post by: black crow on 23 November 2003, 10:16
Longhorn won't be available until 2006, assuming there are no more slips in the release date (it has already been delayed three times).

Three times? Is that all?  Come on Bill, surely you could delay it a few more times???  Or maybe just drop SchLonghorn altogether???  Now THERE'S an idea!

Microsoft served up another dose of rhetoric that inevitably encourages locking developers and customers into Microsoft products.

Naturally.  It just wouldn't be right for ppl to use non-M$ products now, would it Bill?  (http://tongue.gif)  

As far as I can tell, Longhorn is yet another Windows wolf dressed up in sheep's clothing.

& yet another M$ cata$trophe waiting to happen...    :rolleyes:
Title: 5 Myths About 'Wronghorn'
Post by: mobrien_12 on 25 November 2003, 04:57
Originally posted by Ecsyle:
I expect alot of bloat. I expect that i will have to buy a brand new computer just to run it halfway decently.

I thought that Longhorn was going to require a new, palladiumified computer to run.
Title: 5 Myths About 'Wronghorn'
Post by: xyle_one on 25 November 2003, 07:56
Originally posted by M. O'Brien:

I thought that Longhorn was going to require a new, palladiumified computer to run.

I wouldn't know. Im not going to bother with longhorn. I have no reason to.
Title: 5 Myths About 'Wronghorn'
Post by: jtpenrod on 25 November 2003, 11:48

I thought that Longhorn was going to require a new, palladiumified computer to run.

They aren't calling it "Palladium" anymore. Of course they say it won't require "whatever" to run, but it will require "whatever" if you want to access all of its new features. (Which really means it will require "whatever" in order to run     :mad:    ).

Regardless, you can expect shit-loads of bloat. That's what M$ does best. I have an old Dell Dimension (Pentium I (113MHz), 2.0GB HD, 1.5GB HD, 64MB RAM, 2.0MB RAM Vid Card) that originally came with Win 95, and which couldn't run XP even if I wanted to. However, it runs Slackware 9.0 with KDE 3.1 just fine.    (http://tongue.gif)    When Wronghorn finally does come out, I'm betting that my new Micron Millenia Xtreme won't have enough to run the damn thing, but I except that "Slackware 12.0" or "Mandrake 16.2" will run, no problem.     (http://smile.gif)  

T'hell with Win-doesn't, Bill Gates and Macro$uck.
Live Free or Die: Linux
If software can be free, why can't dolphins?

[ November 27, 2003: Message edited by: jtpenrod ]

Title: 5 Myths About 'Wronghorn'
Post by: preacher on 26 November 2003, 17:08
Originally posted by jtpenrod:

They aren't calling it "Palladium" anymore. Of course they say it won't require "whatever" to run, but it will require "whatever" if you want to access all of its new features. (Which really means it will require "whatever" in order to run    :mad:   ).

Regardless, you can expect shit-loads of bloat. That's what M$ does best. I have an old Dell Dimension (Pentium I (113MHz), 2.0GB HD, 1.5GB HD, 64MB RAM, 2.0MB RAM Vid Card) that originally came with Win 95, and which couldn't run XP even if I wanted to. However, it runs Slackware 9.0 with KDE 3.1 just fine.   (http://tongue.gif)   When Wronghorn finally does come out, I'm betting that my new Micron Millenia Xtreme won't have enough to run the damn thing, but I except that "Slackware 12.0" or "Mandrake 16.2" will run, no problem.    (http://smile.gif)  

This is where linux might be able to catch up to the commercial Operating Systems. Linux improves at a much faster rate than most OS's. Its open and free structure allows new versions every 6 months. XP came out in 2001, and Longhorn comes out in 2006, so two versions in 5 years isnt exactly fast progress.
Title: 5 Myths About 'Wronghorn'
Post by: solarismka on 27 November 2003, 08:21
Originally posted by ThePreacher:

This is where linux might be able to catch up to the commercial Operating Systems. Linux improves at a much faster rate than most OS's. Its open and free structure allows new versions every 6 months. XP came out in 2001, and Longhorn comes out in 2006, so two versions in 5 years isnt exactly fast progress.

If it does come out in 2006.  you gotta love those M$ children.  When we say that M$ is totaly shit with real life proof. They jump up and down saying its total BS while they don't mind lying about m$ so they can keep their delusioned thoughts intact.

Apparently there are people in this world more stupid than that of a standard chicken!

Title: 5 Myths About 'Wronghorn'
Post by: Refalm on 27 November 2003, 20:11
jtpenrod: Pentium I (113MHz), 2.0GB HD, 1.5GB HD, 64MB RAM, 2.0MB RAM Vid Card

The real minimum system requirements for Windows XP:

Pentium-MMX 1 200 MHz
3 GB free HDD space
8 MB RAM SVGA card (with Direct3D support)
Title: 5 Myths About 'Wronghorn'
Post by: choasforages on 28 November 2003, 19:40
long horn? dear god its going to suck.  maybe they could provide a bonghorn with it so you don't giva shit your getting assraped by your own computer.
Title: 5 Myths About 'Wronghorn'
Post by: Fett101 on 29 November 2003, 02:31
Originally posted by demigod chaosforages:
long horn? dear god its going to suck.  maybe they could provide a bonghorn with it so you don't giva shit your getting assraped by your own computer.

That was almost as good as "Zelda? More like Celda"
Title: 5 Myths About 'Wronghorn'
Post by: WMD on 1 December 2003, 06:20
Originally posted by Refalm:

The real minimum system requirements for Windows XP:

Pentium-MMX 1 200 MHz
3 GB free HDD space
8 MB RAM SVGA card (with Direct3D support)

No, those are also wrong.  ;)

Off the box:  Pentium 233, 64MB RAM, 1.5GB HD space, recommended Direct3D support.

Either way, XP would never run on such hardware - even with all graphic effects turned off, and using the Windows Classic theme.  :eek:
As for the rest, I predict that Longhorn will be subscription-based...WinFS will feature automatic encryption, preventing data read/write from other OS's, and the ability to just shut you off, until you pay more.  :mad:
Title: 5 Myths About 'Wronghorn'
Post by: Refalm on 1 December 2003, 15:09
WMD: Pentium 233, 64MB RAM, 1.5GB HD space, recommended Direct3D support.

It's really the RAM that matters with Windows XP. It requires 96 at minimum (tested it with a P-MMX 200, 96 MB RAM, 16 MB 3dfx Voodoo Banshee with Direct3D support, and it runs pretty damn well).
Title: 5 Myths About 'Wronghorn'
Post by: hm_murdock on 1 December 2003, 20:25
ya. the damn thing isn't as slow as most people contend. I've run it on a 166 and it's just fine
Title: 5 Myths About 'Wronghorn'
Post by: feetpete on 5 December 2003, 23:46
Without even reading the ZDNet article, here's my two pence worth on those 5 myths...

Myth #1: The Longhorn suite will be a worthwhile investment.
My Answer:  For WHOM? Microsoft? Of course...

Myth #2: Longhorn will not drive customer dependence on Microsoft products.
My Answer:  Read below for the proof that this is the bullshit it is...

Myth #3: Longhorn will provide a better alternative to Java.
My Answer:  Java needs improving maybe, but it does not need an alternative, and it's platform independent, something a Microsoft "alternative" NEVER EVER WILL BE.

Myth #4: Longhorn will not require a multitude of customer upgrades to implement.
My Answer:  Not if you intend to install it without any further components, but if you want a proper fully-functional Windows "Experience" then YES it will.

Myth #5: Longhorn will support open standards.
My Answer:  Who really believes this?  I mean come on, please?!!

Right, now I'm gonna go see how right I was by reading that ZDNet article now!!!
Title: 5 Myths About 'Wronghorn'
Post by: feetpete on 5 December 2003, 23:57
And now having read the article, I can see that the guy who wrote it has the same opinions about it as I do...

And now for an article from someone who LIKES Longhorn... Okaaaay! (

The link was from the ZDNet article via a reply that some snotty little Windows sheep made about it being better.  As if anyone with half a brain is gonna be fooled by such crap that they won't mind Microsoft taking the rights to your proprietry projects, information and private files, as well as charging you for the privilege of using their so-called OS (which if they had their way would be the only OS on the planet, good job they don't).

Fucking monopolistic bastards!
Title: 5 Myths About 'Wronghorn'
Post by: anphanax on 8 December 2003, 08:31
XP isn't slow on old computers?

It takes like 3 seconds for sub-menus to open on the start menu, even with all graphical enhancements disabled on an older computer built for 98 that I was on.
Title: 5 Myths About 'Wronghorn'
Post by: Stryker on 8 December 2003, 10:20
Originally posted by anphanax:
XP isn't slow on old computers?

It takes like 3 seconds for sub-menus to open on the start menu, even with all graphical enhancements disabled on an older computer built for 98 that I was on.

it takes 3 seconds for my computer which was designed for windows xp with all the graphical enhancements disabled.
Title: 5 Myths About 'Wronghorn'
Post by: HPC GUY on 9 December 2003, 07:14
haha good luck running xp on a p1 233 mhz unless you got at least like 256 ram.  just change the shell to progman and then maybe......
Title: 5 Myths About 'Wronghorn'
Post by: Refalm on 9 December 2003, 19:55
anphanax: XP isn't slow on old computers?
It takes like 3 seconds for sub-menus to open on the start menu, even with all graphical enhancements disabled on an older computer built for 98 that I was on.

I've run it on a P1 200 MHz, 96 MB RAM, 16 MB SVGA just fine.

HPC GUY: haha good luck running xp on a p1 233 mhz unless you got at least like 256 ram.  just change the shell to progman and then maybe......

Wrong. At least 96 MB RAM. Really, I tested it.

Computer 1: 200 MHz, 96 MB RAM: Just fine
Computer 2: 450 MHz, 64 MB RAM: Slow as fucking hell
Title: 5 Myths About 'Wronghorn'
Post by: WMD on 10 December 2003, 00:40
Originally posted by Refalm:
Computer 1: 200 MHz, 96 MB RAM: Just fine
Computer 2: 450 MHz, 64 MB RAM: Slow as fucking hell

I'd like to add to this list..  (http://smile.gif)

500Mhz, 256MB RAM: Fast, but only in Windows Classic mode.  Slow after that.  :eek:
Title: 5 Myths About 'Wronghorn'
Post by: Refalm on 10 December 2003, 01:26
WMD: only in Windows Classic mode.

I had both with almost all fx on and Luna on. I tweaked XP a bit though: ( ( (
Title: 5 Myths About 'Wronghorn'
Post by: latino4ever8 on 29 December 2003, 23:25
I was thinking that maybe it wouldnt be too bad... more like a mac - the longhorn system... Ive been thinking though, that given the trackrecord of Microsoft it wouldnt be too smart to trust in it... -Ive used win98 for two years, had to shut it off manually endless times, send it to be fixed at least 5... when i think about it... it wouldnt have happened in a mac...

Ive never used linux... I think ill switch to mac... -the games are usually for microsoft, but most good ones can be used in both... -and i think i can suffer not playing computer games as much...
Title: 5 Myths About 'Wronghorn'
Post by: Kintaro on 30 December 2003, 05:17
Ive installed XP on a P133MMX before, with 64mb of ram.