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All Things Microsoft => Microsoft Software => Topic started by: TrustingBull on 16 January 2003, 22:03

Title: startup &shutdown screens
Post by: TrustingBull on 16 January 2003, 22:03
HI everyone:

       I too an a newby at this computer jargan.I would like to know if anyone out there knows how I can delete the start up and shut down screen on my WW9988 ooss.I downloaded a desktop theme but it did not say that it came with the start and shut screens.I need my default ones back.I also contacted shitsoft but without paying they gave me no help.I think I neeeeed a change.Oh bye the way this is one of the best sites of its kind I ever ran across Thanks
Title: startup &shutdown screens
Post by: Calum on 16 January 2003, 22:13
the bitmap images for your startup and shutdown screens are in your C: directory and terminate in .dat - to view them in windows (which is a system that does not determine file type by content like any decent system would) you must copy the .dat files somewhere else, change the extension to .bmp, edit them with MSPaint or another proprietary and useless image editor, photoshop is the current favourite amongst windoids i do believe, and resave them as .dat files again. Then, backup the original .dat files in C: and stick your new ones in the C: drive. so long as you used the right names, did not resize the image and saved as an 8BIT (256 colour) bitmap then it should work fine.

or else you could just use a handy third party program to do it for you. there are a number of programs here ( that are excellent at getting rid of your windows startup and shut down screens.

good luck and hope to see you on the forums in future!   :D

[ January 16, 2003: Message edited by: Calum ]

Title: startup &shutdown screens
Post by: pkd_lives on 16 January 2003, 22:24
Did you back up you previous screens, I assume not. If so then there is no way to get them back without reinstalling the software (or copying them from another installation). Secondly did you read the readme file that would come with a professionally done theme, I am again betting no. This should document what was done and how to recover, or where the originals were saved, if at all. However my experience with windows taught me that most people fail to adequately document their stuff (not a problem with Linux).

There are ways to get them back, but this is not the site to ask them. This site is for learning about other OSs. If you are considering moving away the people here will help you no end, however if all you want to do is learn how to use a crap and inferior OS that is severely limited and fails to do what a proper OS does in a stable and secure manner, then you are out of luck.
Title: startup &shutdown screens
Post by: Refalm on 16 January 2003, 23:53
You CAN'T delete your start-up screen. But you can change them.

Download cool start-up screens here (, convert them to bitmaps with Paint. Then change the converted bitmap into "logo.sys" and place that file in "C:\".
Title: startup &shutdown screens
Post by: XPsucks on 18 January 2003, 20:13
I have a question about XP.....Is there a way to replace that DAMNED UGLY start button?

[ January 18, 2003: Message edited by: XP_sucks ]

Title: startup &shutdown screens
Post by: voidmain on 18 January 2003, 21:04
Yep, installing Red Hat 8.0 will get rid of it.
Title: startup &shutdown screens
Post by: Calum on 18 January 2003, 21:28
sorry, they're not dat files, they're sys files. same difference. it's all crap anyway. they show up as bitmap thumbnails when you view them in konqueror anyway.
Title: startup &shutdown screens
Post by: Fett101 on 18 January 2003, 22:02
Change your start button text (,24330,3361674,00.html)

Havn't found changing the button yet, but enough time in google would have an answer. Either that, or just download style XP and skin the whole damned thing.
Title: startup &shutdown screens
Post by: red-lightning on 3 February 2003, 08:00
Just change it back to the Windows Classic theme by right clicking on your desktop and selecting properties. U'll have the old gray windows style back then but i think that looks boring. Make your computer run faster though!!! The XP graphics slow computers right down.
Originally posted by XP_sucks:
I have a question about XP.....Is there a way to replace that DAMNED UGLY start button?

[ January 18, 2003: Message edited by: XP_sucks ]

Title: startup &shutdown screens
Post by: xyle_one on 3 February 2003, 21:17
Originally posted by red-lightning:
Just change it back to the Windows Classic theme by right clicking on your desktop and selecting properties. U'll have the old gray windows style back then but i think that looks boring. Make your computer run faster though!!! The XP graphics slow computers right down.

yeah, xp sucks. i installed redhat8.0 and my computer has never been faster. its a p2 450 with 512 mb ram. damn slow for xp, works great with redhat8.0. i dont think you could put xp on that computer. it would freak out   :eek:   . and i didnt have to deal with windows ugly ui. KDE and GNome look way better than 2000, and even XP. by default. very nice.

[ February 03, 2003: Message edited by: ecsyle_one ]

Title: startup &shutdown screens
Post by: Zombie9920 on 4 February 2003, 00:50
Originally posted by XP_sucks:
I have a question about XP.....Is there a way to replace that DAMNED UGLY start button?

[ January 18, 2003: Message edited by: XP_sucks ]

Well of course you can replace the start button. It is as easy as using TGTSoft's Style Builder to make your own custom theme then apply your custom theme. You need Style XP installed to use a custom uxtheme though. If you don't want to make your own theme there are thousands of themes made by other people that you can download at places like ( , ( , ( , ( , (, ( , ( and lots of other  theme sites.

BTW, You can use Windows Blinds to skin your OS instead of uxtheme.dll if you prefer. If you don't like the way Explorer is setup you can use Litestep to replace Explorer and you can make it look however you want it to look.

Originally posted by ecsyle_one:

yeah, xp sucks. i installed redhat8.0 and my computer has never been faster. its a p2 450 with 512 mb ram. damn slow for xp, works great with redhat8.0. i dont think you could put xp on that computer. it would freak out  . and i didnt have to deal with windows ugly ui. KDE and GNome look way better than 2000, and even XP. by default. very nice.

Linux looks like shit. I have never seen a window manager that looks as slick and professional as the skins I can find or make for Windows. I don't like the way the fonts, buttons and scrollbars look in Linux....they are just tacky. I think that the way the Window Managers put an ugly box around all icons in the taskbar(or whatever you want to call it in Linux) looks horrible too. XP simply looks more professional(assuming that you aren't using Luna...ACK) than any WM for Linux I have ever seen. OSX looks pretty nice also. Linux = Ugly

Heck, if you think Linux looks so hot you can easily find skins for XP that look exactly like the real Linux WM that the skin is imitating. It is also very possible to make XP look like Mac OSX(the way it is setup, the Aqua visual style, etc.) with the help of a few programs. I bet it would be difficult to make Linux look like OSX.

[ February 03, 2003: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

Title: startup &shutdown screens
Post by: Zombie9920 on 4 February 2003, 00:54

[ February 03, 2003: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

Title: startup &shutdown screens
Post by: xyle_one on 4 February 2003, 02:12
i have to admit. at work, i have xpPro, and the theme i am using looks really good. it makes xp easy to look at. at home though, jaguars aqua cant be beat, and i really dig redhats bluecurve. they easily beat windows in the interface area.
Title: startup &shutdown screens
Post by: xyle_one on 4 February 2003, 02:37
Linux looks like shit. I have never seen a window manager that looks as slick and professional as the skins I can find or make for Windows. I don't like the way the fonts, buttons and scrollbars look in Linux....they are just tacky. I think that the way the Window Managers put an ugly box around all icons in the taskbar(or whatever you want to call it in Linux) looks horrible too. XP simply looks more professional(assuming that you aren't using Luna...ACK) than any WM for Linux I have ever seen. OSX looks pretty nice also. Linux = Ugly

dood. i was looking through this thread ( and found this link. solodesktop (
linux is not ugly. it is very clean.
Title: startup &shutdown screens
Post by: Zombie9920 on 4 February 2003, 04:16
Originally posted by ecsyle_one:
i have to admit. at work, i have xpPro, and the theme i am using looks really good. it makes xp easy to look at. at home though, jaguars aqua cant be beat, and i really dig redhats bluecurve. they easily beat windows in the interface area.

So you like Bluecurve ehhh? How about this...XP with a Bluecurve theme and a replacement taskbar(my rig). (

The bluecurve theme using the standard Windows taskbar that has been modified to look sorta like the one in Redhat 8(I said sorta like..not exactly like because I don't have the time to fool with making it look exactly the same right now.) (

[ February 03, 2003: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

Title: startup &shutdown screens
Post by: xyle_one on 4 February 2003, 05:25
ohh, i hate to say this..... those look pretty good. i might have to steal it and use it at work. except of course, the internet explorer, ill have to use mozilla  :D
Title: startup &shutdown screens
Post by: Zombie9920 on 4 February 2003, 07:53
Originally posted by Xyle: iGeek...:
ohh, i hate to say this..... those look pretty good. i might have to steal it and use it at work. except of course, the internet explorer, ill have to use mozilla    :D  

I'm glad you like it. Now for some XP Mac OSX like desktops. ;P

XP Jaguar Blue (
XP Jaguar Graphite (
XP Jaguar Brushed Blue (
XP Jaguar Brushed Graphite (

The moral of the story is. XP is not a fisher price toy like some of the idiots here like to claim(well it is with the default luna but it can easily be changed). XP is very customizable despite it being closed source(That second bluecurve screenie was the default windows taskbar that underwent customization) and most is alot easier to get looking good than the majority of Linux distros. ;P

[ February 03, 2003: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

Title: startup &shutdown screens
Post by: rtgwbmsr on 4 February 2003, 08:02
Care to post links to these wonderful themes of yours? I get to use Linux 90% of the day, but I still have to work in Windows 10% of the time. Might as well make it look like something I like to use.
Title: startup &shutdown screens
Post by: psyjax on 4 February 2003, 11:25
Those OSX themes are pretty horrible.

But Linux is easy to imatate considering that windows still uses raster bitmapping for the majority of it's screen rendring.

I really don't think it's possible to immitate aqua fully in windows or otherwise.
Title: startup &shutdown screens
Post by: rtgwbmsr on 4 February 2003, 11:32
Not without a dock! But it's only a matter of time before that gets assimilated into Windows...
Title: startup &shutdown screens
Post by: xyle_one on 4 February 2003, 11:40
Originally posted by psyjax: plain 'ol psyjax:
Those OSX themes are pretty horrible.

But Linux is easy to imatate considering that windows still uses raster bitmapping for the majority of it's screen rendring.

I really don't think it's possible to immitate aqua fully in windows or otherwise.

they can make it look like aqua, almost, but they can not match how smooth and clean it feels. mac commando  ;)
Title: startup &shutdown screens
Post by: Calum on 4 February 2003, 12:46
Walt, those are pretty good windows-looking-like linux shots! (if only they weren't covered in internet explorer and all that crap!) but i'm less than convinced by the mac-alike ones. i thought the red hat button was very amusing on your windows desktop.

somebody posted a screenshot in the screens thread that was windows running blackbox. pretty confusing.

personally i think you might as well run linux if you want it to look like that, but each to their own. i can't really talk, remember i went through my phase of trying to get mandrake to look like windows?
Title: startup &shutdown screens
Post by: Refalm on 6 February 2003, 00:35
Originally posted by Zombie9920:

So you like Bluecurve ehhh? How about this...XP with a Bluecurve theme and a replacement taskbar(my rig). (

The bluecurve theme using the standard Windows taskbar that has been modified to look sorta like the one in Redhat 8(I said sorta like..not exactly like because I don't have the time to fool with making it look exactly the same right now.) (

[ February 03, 2003: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

Can you send me the .msstyles file? I found one on, but it's not as good as yours...