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Miscellaneous => Applications => Topic started by: saturninus on 1 August 2003, 23:32

Title: Music Programs
Post by: saturninus on 1 August 2003, 23:32
I have thought about switching over to Linux Red Hat, but then I realized something.

All of the music programs that I use are Windows based.

Now, I have some questions.  First of all, has anyone ever heard of a Linux version of Propellerhead Reason, Recycle, and Rebirth?  I've tried looking but never saw any.  If not, are there alternatives just as good?

I also have Steinberg Cubase and Fruity Loops for Windows.

Are there Linux programs which are comparable?  Or at least Linux versions of these programs?
Title: Music Programs
Post by: suselinux on 2 August 2003, 00:10
best thing you can do is look at sourceforge (

and freshmeat (

type in the name of the program or the keyword describing the apps purpose ie. visual audio editor

sp wave is good
Title: Music Programs
Post by: raptor on 2 August 2003, 08:15
audacity rulez. (
Title: Music Programs
Post by: raptor on 2 August 2003, 08:16
they do need to engineer a version of fruity loops for linux.
Title: Music Programs
Post by: emh on 8 August 2003, 04:52
Lots of sound apps available for Linux.  You most likely can find what you need here: (

And this isn't even an exhaustive list.
Title: Music Programs
Post by: Calum on 17 August 2003, 16:19
the main problem for me is that ALL the music programs which can replace the likes of sound forge, rebirth and cooledit require ALSA, and regardless of how i try i cannot get alsa installed, following whoevers instructions, using apt (for red hat 9) or from source (with an awe64 soundblaster). it simply doesn't work, and those programs will not use OSS instead.
Title: Music Programs
Post by: emh on 18 August 2003, 04:18
Yeah, I encountered that problem as well.

I finally broke down and gave in. :-p

That's one thing that's great about Mandrake, ALSA is the default sound driver option, so I don't have to mess with trying to install it myself.

I don't know if you've tried it or not, but just in case you haven't, here's a link to an ALSA RPM.

Right here (

The only other thing I can suggest is to try a Soundblaster Live card instead.  Aside from that, I'm not really sure.

[ August 17, 2003: Message edited by: emh ]

[ August 17, 2003: Message edited by: emh ]

Title: Music Programs
Post by: Calum on 19 August 2003, 00:33
i don't like mandrake for many other reasons, and sadly i can install alsa using apt-get in red hat, but it doesn't seem to work :-(

i am obviously just not techie enough to figure it out.
Title: Music Programs
Post by: emh on 19 August 2003, 02:24
The AWE64 card is an ISA card, right?

Just from what I've read, I've heard that they're a lot harder to get working than PCI cards, in general.

Aside from getting a different sound card, I'm not really sure how else to help, sorry. :-\
Title: Music Programs
Post by: bigsleep on 19 August 2003, 05:04
What if you let the BIOS assign the IRQs for the sound card?
Title: Music Programs
Post by: Aaron Ni on 19 August 2003, 08:52
I believe there's a Linux media player called XMMS.
Title: Music Programs
Post by: emh on 21 August 2003, 03:12
I just thought of something else.  Calum, assuming you've got ALSA installed, did you get errors when using the modprobe command.  If you did, ignore this message.

Were the problems because the applications seemed to work, but you had no sound, or because you got errors when trying to play something that uses the sound card?

The reason why I say this is because ALSA is muted by default.  Once installed, you need to turn up the volumes on the main volume switch and the PCM switch.  You can do that with a program like aumix or Kmix.

Forgive me if you've already tried this, since I don't know if you have or not.  Just thought I'd make a suggestion just in case you hadn't already tried it.
Title: Music Programs
Post by: Calum on 22 August 2003, 23:39
would you believe that was a typing error?
i mean i CAN'T install alsa  :(

i tried using rpms (via apt-get from and it simply doesn't work, i tried from source but the modules need kernel source. when i get kernel sources, it seems the modules will build but will put themselves in the wrong dir and will not be loadable from my running kernel.

i know i am doing something wrong, but haven't the time to figure it out atm :-(

yes the card is an ISA card. i got it after trying 2 more modern PCI cards (a new soundblaster surround sound one which didn't work at all and a c-media one which works partially with OSS, and is supposed to work with alsa, as far as i could tell when i had mandrake, this is true) and out of the 3 the ISA one is the only one i have had NO problems with. it is also supported by alsa so it claims on the alsa site.

when i have time i will try.